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"329, 331, 333..."

Lindsey muttered to himself, reading the numbers off the doors as he made his way down the narrow hotel hallway. He could almost hear the sound of his own nervous heartbeat over the quiet buzzing of a nearby ice machine as he pushed his hand into his pocket to pull out a folded, crumpled piece of paper. Cursing himself  for the inability to calm his shaking nerves, he unfolded the small parchment and read the number scrawled upon it.


His eyes moved from the paper up to the door before him.


This was it. Behind that door waited a night of unparalleled carnal pleasure, but could very well lead to months of shameful regret. He thought briefly about his girlfriend  back home, trying with great difficulty to suppress the feelings of guilt that were beginning to weigh heavy on his mind.

He took a deep breath and stared vacantly at the closed door. He knew that once he stepped into that room, there would be no turning back. He knew that once he saw Stevie again there would be no restraining his desires. For 6 long years he had been replaying their past sexual exploits in his head, all the while searching in vain for the one woman that could possible compare in terms of sexual prowess. In the nearly ten years they had spent together, he had evolved from inexperienced virginity to complete sexual freedom, as Stevie had taken pride in fulfilling his every sexual desire. In a way, she had actually ruined him for other women as his standards for sexual adventure had developed beyond what most girls would deem appropriate.

He continued to stall as his mind began to process the various consequences that could arise from this reunion. Although Stevie had been a wet dream come true for an 18 year old virgin at the time, their problems outside the bedroom were considerable.

Lindsey raised  his fist and knocked on the door.

The next few seconds left like an eternity as he waited patiently. His heart began to race even faster when he heard the rattling of the chain lock followed by a sharp "click" as the door was unlocked from the inside. With a quick motion, the door swung open and for the first time in years his eyes fell upon the woman that had occupied his thoughts for the better part of the previous decade.

Stevie's face was aglow with noticeable excitement as she greeted him with an exuberant smile. Her contagious expression of happiness soon caught him and he smiled back as his eyes worked quickly to take in the familiar figure standing before him. Dressed in a simple black dress, she looked sexy but elegant as she stepped aside to allow him to enter the room.

     "Hey," she said, beaming with enthusiasm.

"Hi," Lindsey answered, slightly overwhelmed with the situation.

Lindsey strolled into the room as Stevie shut the door before turning back towards him. Before he could say another word she threw her arms around him; pressing her body into his.

"I can't believe you're actually here," she muttered, hugging him tightly.

He returned the hug, his face pressed against her neck as the long forgotten scent of lilac once again brought a series of memories rushing back. After a momentary embrace, she pulled away slightly pausing for a brief moment to look into his eyes with her sparkling brown orbs.

Wow," she exclaimed, stepping back to scan up and down his body. "You look exactly the same!"

"Is that a good thing?" Lindsey asked with a chuckle, as he began to pull off his jacket.

"Oh yes," Stevie answered quickly, biting her bottom lip as her eyes roamed over him.

He smiled as he tossed my jacket over the back of a nearby chair. Stevie always knew how to make him feel good.

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