Act like

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Chloe p.o.v
Just a normal dinner with mama and dad. Oh yeah and with it

Mama: so how's school

Me: it's good I have a piano solo coming up

Dad: what about that boy ya dating

Halle rolled her eyes

Me: oh he said he's buying me something

Mama: like what sweetheart

Me: I don't know

I ate another piece of steak

Me: y'all will see it soon

Dad: I hope it's nice my love

Me: yeah me too

Mama: and Halle

Halle: oh I'm just practicing for a play

Mama: when did you start acting

Halle: when I was five

Dad: wait what

Halle: just forget it

She got up and walked away from the table

Me: someone must be on they period

Dad: ehh she'll be fine

They went back eating and I kept staring at the stairs

Me: y'all noticed she didn't eat her meat right

Mama: she's a vegetarian or some shit like that

Me: nahh she ain't

Halle you ain't slick
End p.o.v

Kerri p.o.v
I went to my daughters room

Me: Halle what's wrong

Halle: oh nothing

She went back looking out her window

Me: I guess I'll go b-

Halle: why do y'all treat me different from Chloe

Me: baby what do you mean

Halle: if I say something you be like yeah okay but if she say something you be all happy

Me: well um it's cause your different

Halle: that don't make no damn sense ma

Me: well to me it does
End p.o.v

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