Chapter 21

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(Note: This chapter gets a bit sexual so if you're not into that you might just want to skip over it. :) )


I'm more than surprised when Jared asks me out, and I almost say yes because of how charming he is, how hard he is to say no to. Fortunately, Armie saves me, sounding a bit too over protective for a friend, but Jared doesn't catch it.

Armie is quiet after that, eating his food, not much of a conversationalist.

I relax, knowing that he's calmer now and hope he won't say anything else stupid that might draw attention to us.

After dinner and dessert we all head out, walking through the streets, not with any destination in mind. It must have dropped a good 15 degrees or more, and I'm a little cold in the thin t-shirt on my body. I'm feeling loose and happy and I just want Armie to feel the same way, but he's still being quiet, only speaking or laughing when spoken to.

Elizabeth catches sight of a bakery and squeals so loud that I may have lost hearing in my right ear.

"I HAVE TO go in there", her face is lighting up like a kid on Christmas.

"Sweetheart, I'm too stuffed for sweets, why don't you just meet me at the hotel?", Armie says.

"Me too", I rub my stomach, but I really just want to go back to the hotel, and maybe swim or hit the hot tub.

"Oh boo-hoo you guys are such party-killers. Jared?", she offers her arm, "will you join me for taste testing and a possible sugar coma?"

"I'd be honored", he jokes, looping his arm through hers.

"We'll see you boys later!", she calls, running across the street, half-dragging Jared with her.

Then it's just Armie and I. I hear a small low rumble of thunder in the distance, but I don't pay much mind to it.

He and I walk along down the street and I hope he knows where he's going because I sure don't. I don't know what to say, and I don't think he does either.

My mind wanders to Crema, and how different everything is outside of that tiny place. How much easier things were then, in our own little world.

"Hey", I break the silence, "do you remember that one day, after filming the waterfall scene how we went straight to Luca's, drenched, not even bothering to shower, and he made everyone dinner?", he laughs.

"Yes! And we drank and wrapped ourselves in blankets and wrestled around the whole house while the crew yelled at us in Italian? Esther was so drunk that we had to carry her home", we laugh harder at the memory of her falling all over the place.

She was a touchy drunk. On several occasions Armie had to pull her hands off of him in fear that they'd continue traveling down to his waistband.

"We stopped and went skinny dipping in the river after we dropped her off, it was like 3 in the morning and we didn't care one bit!", I chime in; we are both doubled over at this point. To anyone else the story probably wasn't nearly as funny, but it was one of those things you had to be there for. It was a night full of electricity in the air.

He grabs onto my arm for support, his laughter controlling his balance.

We both have tears in our eyes, and with most of his weight on me, I help him stand straight.

Eventually we walk again.

"So", he says, his tone more serious," did you have enough time to think about what you said earlier? How you pushed me away?", his words aren't unkind, simply curious.

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