Crime Story: KANSAS CITY

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" Attention Passengers, we will arrive in Kansas City in 10 minutes. ", said the flight attendant. " So, Boss, why are we going to Kansas

City?", asked Paulie. " Business, the usual reason. How else can I increase my holdings?", replied Del Toro. " Attention Passengers,

Please extinguish all smoking materials and turn off all electronics. We arrived in Kansas City.", said the attendant.

" Everyone, pack your bags. Naoe's snitch says, Del Toro is on Alpha Earth, in Kansas City. ", said Yoshika.

The SCU, was in the Kansas City Airport Terminal. They seen, people moving about with their cell phones, and tablets.

" Are people of this ' Earth ' , so oblivious?", asked Perrine. Then, a well dressed man, met them.

" I am, John Schaller, KCPD Chief of Detectives. Come with me." The group made their way to the Parking Lot, and to a White Mini - van.

He used his remote, unlocked it, and opened it remotely. Then, they entered.

" My people, has been keeping an eye out on Del Toro, since her arrival. ",  said Schaller. " Do you know, what she is up to?", asked

Yoshika. " She has been, silent thus far.  Make no mistake, I'm aware of what Del Toro can do.", replied Schaller.

The double doors, of the Office opened and the SCU seen an impressive array of tech, in their new Office. " You can arrange this,

anyway you want. Good Luck.", said Schaller.

" Boss, my KCPD snitch, just told me, Miyafuji just arrived, and is setting up housekeeping.", said Paulie. " Just as long as, she keeps out of

MY ' business '.", replied Del Toro. 

" It appears, Del Toro wishes to start some ' ligitemate' ventures here. ", said Hikari. " Want to think, she Del Toro wants to hide some

other 'activity ' with them.", said Perrine. " It is, possible. Best keep an eye on it.", replied Yoshika.

Del Toro, met with several of Kansas City's Mob bosses. " Gentlemen , I'm Alicia Del Toro. I wish to extend an invitation to you.

Join my faction, and get all the wealth you wish. Refuse, and well...., I cannot guarantee a long life." " Heard of you. Wiped out the Rader

Faction. And, blew up the mob bosses of Vegas, to take over. No reason, I will not join.", said an Elder mob boss. Then, he was shot,

in the back. " Sorry, had to do it. His age made him stupid.", said the shooter. " And, you just ruined the 'chance' of peaceful

'business' transition. PAULIE!", said Del Toro. Then, the building was filled by, Auto - weapon fire.

After, the Cyan haired girl appeared from the shadows, Del Toro said, " Plant evidence, making this look like, a street gang hit."

Hours later, KCPD looked over the scene, with SCU. " No reason to be here, Miyafuji. As you can see, just Street Gang vs. Mob.", said

an African American Police Chief holding up, an evidence bag. " What you got, is a ' Red herring', courtesy of Del Toro. This is her M.O.,

if she doesn't get an alliance with other factions, she wipes them out. She did this in, Yokosuka, and Vegas. She may look like, a

cute Goth girl. But, she is as deadly as a rabid Wolf. ", replied Yoshika. " The only one, who MAY not be part of this, is the one

shot in the back."

Del Toro and Franco, was finishing lunch at, The Savoy Grill, until a voice said, " Can't understand how, you can eat. Especially, with the

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