Q & A #1

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Insnimonkeythederp asks: Are you going to be writing any other books for a different series/are you currently writing one?

I have a few ideas for fanfictions I could write, and even have a couple small comics in development that I hope to one day release on my DeviantArt (as LSTheNinjaKitten). I've kinda taken a huge break from writing, but maybe if I come up with some decent ideas I might come back to it. However, if I do write again, I'll likely not post online until I have a solid storyline. And if I do, Wattpad is the last place I'll post 'em. (I.e I've moved on to Fanfiction.net/ArchiveOfOurOwn/etc and like their websites better. Wattpad is formatted really strangely from when I started and I don't like the direction it went with).

Stampys1fan05 asks: Could you please make an animation or a speed paint or something featuring Winterfrost?

Maybe. But as of right now I feel Winterfrost is more of a "bad joke" character than one I want to do anything serious with. She'd likely be the "mary sue sparkledog(cat) meme" more than anything. I can't make any promises, but art/animation is definitely more my speed than writing.

Stampys1fan05 asks: Also another question. Would Winterfrost be able to get all of the Clans to join her and defeat ThistleClan and the Dark Forest?

Being the character she's turned into so far, that would be entirely possible. I think that's kind of the direction it was headed because I was extremely unoriginal, but I realized that would literally just be me rewriting The Darkest Hour using my characters. One more of the many reasons I stopped.

If I were to give it a more realistic standpoint and ignored her mary sue-ness so far though, I think it would only be Thunderclan and Windclan + all of the clans I made up joining together. Riverclan and Shadowclan seem to be the type to go more the route of "Uh so we literally just did that and want no involvement in doing it again" and Thunderclan would say "Wow you need help? We can help! We love helping!" and rope in poor Windclan with them.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2018 ⏰

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