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Yawning and muttering to herself, Hermione Granger ,the Minster of Magic, walked to the kitchen of her small apartment. As she poured coffee grinds into her muggle coffee maker, the smell of her childhood filled her nostrils.
     Way back when, Hermione's father always smelled of coffee grinds. She absently remembered the way her father would hum and do a weird little dance as he made himself coffee in the morning. Hermione smiled to herself, and sat down at her kitchen counter. It was only then that she saw the letter.
     Of corse she knew at once that it was from Ron. He was the only one who had a key to her apartment for one thing. And also, he had done things like this before.
     But to be honest, the letter did surprise her. Ron and Hermione's relationship was struggling, and he hadn't spoken to her for three days because of a fight that they'd had.
     Hermione tried to tell herself that the letter was probably an apology for not answering her letters, but she wasn't venerable enough to believe herself.
     It appeared that Ron had dropped of the letter himself, instead of sending an owl. With dread, Hermione glanced around at her apartment to see if anything was missing. She noticed that the sweatshirt Ron had accidentally left at her place a few days ago, was gone.
     Now close to tears, Hermione turned back to the letter and, tentatively, opened it. It read the following;
I know that you are smart enough to know that this isn't working. You and me...are just not made for each other. I'm sorry.
     Hermione couldn't believe her eyes. Ron Weasley had just broken up with her. And he didn't even do it properly. Heck, he hadn't even used correct grammar!
     "Bastard", Hermione whispered as red hot tears ran down her pale face. She ripped the letter apart and threw the remains as far away from her as possible. "I loved you."

     "You cheated on me?!" Draco Malfoy screamed at his girlfriend. Or former girlfriend now. "With whom?"

"Not that it's any of your business, but it was Goyal", Pansy Parkinson snapped back.

Draco took a split second to proses this. " mean you cheated on me with the DUMBEST PERSON ON EARTH?!" His voice rose to a bellow as he reached the end of the sentence.

"We are over, Draco." Pansy stalked out of his house.

Thrusting himself into a nearby chair, Draco considered hurling a lamp across his living room. He knew he was being unreasonable. He knew that Pansy Parkinson was as stupid as her hair suggested. It was damn good that Draco was finally detached from her. But still Draco felt rage. And he knew why. There was and never would be, anyone Draco Malfoy hated more...then a cheater.

"Watch out Parkinson," Draco muttered, "I'm not gonna let you forget this one."

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