Scathach x Male Reader (Part 1)

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Quick A/N: After giving it a bit of thought, I'm going to alter most of the series so that they are based on the F/GO storyline (e.g. Chaldea events, Gudao, summoning etc.). That way you people can actually put yourself in the shoes of the fate characters much, much easier. Hope that makes the experience a lot better. Denni out.


Swoosh, swoosh. 

The swings of Scathach's powerful lance echo throughout the mountain range. This was her favorite place to practice, right at the edge of a cliff. The deep, blue sea stretching out in front of her. Scathach loved the sound of the waves gently lapping the shore, as well as the light breeze that blew across the mountain range. It helped her ease her mind, and focus on her strikes.

Little to her knowledge, the mountains were a common place to be for (Y/N). He spent most of his time hiking, and when he came across this mountain, could hear the distant swinging of a blade, and the passionate shouts of a woman. He climbed the mountain leading to the cliffside, and that's where he first saw her, Scathach. A stunning woman with gorgeous, dark purple flowing hair appeared before him.

Entranced by her beauty, (Y/N) couldn't help but slide down to get a closer look. He hid behind a nearby bush, Scathach's movements seeming to hypnotize (Y/N), luring him closer and closer. (Y/N) hid there, intently watching her powerful thrusts and smooth technique. He was able to slowly pick up the factors of her beauty; her stunning, deep crimson eyes, her pale, silky skin, and her astonishing figure.

Little to his knowledge, Scathach did notice something come within a few meters of her. Something as simple as the abnormal rustling of leaves was easy for her to hear. Slowly, she turned around and pointed her lance, the Gáe Bolg in (Y/N)'s direction. "I know you're there, your presence is too easily detectable. I trust you mean no harm, so come out. I have no intentions of harming you."

(Y/N) took his time coming out of the bush. He crawled out and stood up, Scathach noticed (Y/N)'s (H/C) hair ruffling lightly in the mountain breeze.

"Ara? Master? What brings you here?"

"O-oh! Scathach! I usually hike around these mountains to keep fit and the atmosphere here is amazing. Chaldea doesn't have a gym area after all."

Scathach smiled. "You're the first ever one to find me here. It's my favorite training spot."

"I see," (Y/N) replied, walking past Scathach. She quickly noticed the height difference, it was evident that (Y/N) was slightly taller. "It has a really nice view, a nice breeze, everything about this place is great, I never knew such a place existed!" 

"Hehe, I have my secrets." She chuckled. "Now if you don't mind me, I'm going back to practi-"


 (Y/N) turned back around rapidly, perking Scathach's interest.

"Please, teach me how to use the lance!" 

Scathach raised an eyebrow. While it stood true that she had been a mentor, she swore to never go back to the life again, never to teach anyone the ways of the Gae Bolg, hence why Scathach became a servant, no longer a teacher.

But after Scathach's summoning, she always felt like something was different about her master. He seemed so spiritually powerful. The gleam in (Y/N)'s eyes was just something she never saw before. She could see the potential within of him. She smiled, maybe this is the day I'll change. She thought to herself.

"Alright then. I'll teach you. But hear me out, this will be undoubtedly the most mentally and physically challenging road you will embark now. I don't want to hurt you in any way master. Are you sure?" Scathach asked.

"Yes! I'll do it, even if it takes my life, I'll do it!"

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