Chapter Twenty-Four

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Anne Glass POV

“Aaahhh” Anne grunted and shouted as the pains of the contractions became more intense. That one was longer she thought to herself as she counted the time between her contractions and the time the contractions actually lasted for.

“Tom” she said as she saw him run in the room.

“Have I missed it?” he panicked as he walked into the room.

“Nope...still in there!” Anne said sounding frustrated.

“Oh good” he said getting a nasty look off Anne. Maybe that wasn't the right comment to make when she was in pain.

“Did we miss it?” Hal came in with his wheelchair being led by Maggie.

“No, she's still in there. Calm down everyone!” she said, Ben peering in from behind them, Matt behind him.

“Hey” she told Ben specifically. “How is she?” she asked him curiously.

“Not talking to me” he said, causing the rest of the people in the room to become confused.

“Why?” she asked trying to get up and talk to him but having another contraction while trying.

Ben went over to her and held her hand, his father holding the other.

“She thinks I did it” he said when she finally relaxed.

“How does she think that?” she asked him, Tom watching carefully but not saying a word.

“Have I missed something?” Hal commented obviously understanding something had happened that he didn't know about.

“It's … complicated” Ben said to him as he held Anne's hand

“Yeah” he commented “I got that much”

“And, Anne, I'm pretty sure that she thinks I was the one who threw him down the stairs.”

“Why would she think that?” Anne asked him concerned.

“I don't know. I mean, she obviously knew I was pretty angry at him and I'd left the room so … she's just confused. She'll come around” he reassured himself.

“Yeah” she said unconvinced “I'm sure she will.”

“I'm still confused” Hal said from the back of the room in his wheelchair.

“And you're going to stay that way until I pity you enough” Ben said to him playfully.

“What a nice young brother I have” he smirked.

Odd One Out/Falling Skies fanficWhere stories live. Discover now