It's Your Funeral

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Do you know how it feels to be
the outcast?
the loner?
the disease?
the nobody?

Do you know what it feels like
to be judged?
to be hated?
to be misheard?
to be misunderstood?
to never be heard?

Have you ever
lost someone?
let someone down?
said and done something stupid?
... and left unable to take it all back?

Have you ever
tried to kill yourself?
cut yourself and tried to drown?
lost SO much, and only ever had so little?

Are you sure...?

Are you lying...?

This response could end up being your last...

Have you ever
needed someone, and had at least 5 different go-to people, but each person was unavailable?
been let down?
been lied to?
been taken advantage of?
had that ONE special person taken away from you, because of a silly idea in someone's head?
had you whole life taken over by someone you have never met, and don't know?
been betrayed by everyone you trusted?
been hurt...?
felt so ashamed of yourself, that you feel like you NEED to hide, or you need to die?

If you've said yes...

You're lying.

I hate liars.

I know your lying, because this shit only happens to someone like ME.
There isn't anyone out there, who would ever be anything like me.
If there is, you're going to suffer, and perish.
Not because of me, but because of some strange, unknown person who thinks they own me. This person believes that, if someone like me ever met me, they'd make me happy.
I'm not allowed to be happy.
It doesn't please this master/mistress of mine.


Trust me...

I'll find out who you are.


When I do find you...

I'll destroy you.

I'll make you suffer.

You have to suffer.

Like I did.

I'll ruin your life.
Like you ruined mine.

I'll set YOU on fire, and watch you burn.
Like you watched me.

I'll make sure your anguish NEVER fucking ends.

Because YOU...
Are nothing but a waste of space.

You are here for no reason.

You're poisoning my planet.

You don't deserve to be here.

Worthless fuck.

Go ahead.
You see,
I'm not the type of person you can fuck around with...
Ask anyone.
You'll regret this.
This, I vow.

And I will find you.
I always do.

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