Chapter Four: The Project

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(Y/N)'s POV

It's been about a week since the movies and Natsu and I are as close as ever, but I still haven't confessed to him yet. We were sitting in our first period class and once again, that Sting guy is giving me the most creepiest glances ever. Thankfully, Natsu is always by my side to make sure he doesn't try to get close to me. When Sting does try, Natsu would always put a protective arm around me to keep the guy at bay. Whenever this happens, we usually stay like that for a little while then resume talking about stuff.

Back to class, in English, our teacher announces, "You all will be given a scene in our current book to research and then present that scene in front of the class. You will be working with the student sitting next to you and the project will be due when we return from the long weekend."

Natsu and I immediately look at each other and gave each other a big grin. Natsu may seem like a childish person, but his grades are actually pretty decent. Mine are still a little bit higher but he's still pretty smart. At least I know I won't be doing all the work by myself, plus like I'd let Natsu slack off.

"Hey Natsu, do you want to start working on it today after school? I want to get this project over with," I whisper to him.

"Sure (Y/N)! I can even drive you home today too!" He said cheerfully. I can't wait for tonight!

~~Time Skip~~

After a couple of hours, Natsu and I finish our project and are currently in my room. I'm on my desk putting our names on the back while Natsu is on my bed, looking over at a photo of Lucy and I when we were younger.

"It's 8:00, shouldn't Lucy and your Aunt be home by now?" Natsu asks.

"Lucy texted me earlier and said she's having a slumber party at Levy's. As for my Aunt, she's in a different town right now, helping out at another branch in the company she's working for," I explain to him.

"So that means we're all alone?"

"Yep. Actually, do you want to stay over? I'm sure I have some pajamas that can fit you," I say.

He looks over at me with a hint of pink on his cheeks, but looks away once I make eye contact with him. Slowly realizing I asked my crush to sleep over at my house alone, I slowly turn pink as well.

"Y-Yeah! I'd love to!" He says regaining his usual spunk. I smile at this.

He then looks over at a cabinet where I keep my dvds. He walks over there and is about to open it. In a small time frame, I realize that's where I keep all of my manga and anime, and I haven't told Natsu about it because I don't think he would be into it.

"W-Wait! Nats—!" I yell but it's too late. By the time I spoke, a small portion of my anime dvds come flooding out and land in front of Natsu. He picks one up and looks at me while I look away in embarrassment.

"I didn't know you liked this," he says while holding up a dvd case labeled Guilty Crown (I love this anime even though Shu can annoy me sometimes), "is it that good?"

"Of course it's good! Why else would I have the dvd?! W-Wait... you don't think I'm... weird?" I ask.

"No... why would I think you're weird?" He asks while tilting his head.

"Well... at my old school, I told some of my close friends that I was into anime, but then we didn't end up being so close anymore," I explain to him.


"I don't know, and honestly, I don't care as well. It just proves that they're horrible people."

A Fiery School Bromance| Natsu x Male reader (Fairy Tail AU)Where stories live. Discover now