Chapter 6.

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Travis's {P.O.V}

I sighed quietly. I did not enjoy the last dare that Hazel gave me. But I didn't want to look like a coward picking truth.

"Dare." I said simply.

Hazel nodded slowly and her face morphed into one of thoughtfulness. I gulped slightly at that.

Hazel suddenly smirked. "Okay, Travis. I dare you to switch clothes with someone of the opposite sex in the group for three rounds. And that person cannot be me."

The other guys all laughed while all of the girls apart from Hazel clutched their clothes for their dear life.

I groaned. "Fine." I muttered. I then looked at all of the girls apart from Hazel.

I sighed. "I'm sorry, ladies. But I'm going to pick Piper." The said girl glared at me. "Because her clothing is... the loosest."

It was true Piper wore her CHB shirt but she had quite a baggy and thin jumper over it. She also wore a pair of shorts that reached her knees, and a pair of trainers.

The other girls all sighed in relief while Piper groaned. "Why is it always me?" She muttered.

* * *

After about ten minutes, Piper was sitting down in my clothes which were a little baggy on her.

I somehow managed to fit into her clothes, but they were still a bit small for me, and a little bit too feminine. But I wasn't able to put her shoes in my feet so I just didn't.

I gave Hazel a quick glare before I looked around everyone else. "Okay, Frank truth or dare?"

Frank's {P.O.V}

I gulped. I didn't want to do a dare by Travis Stoll, but I also didn't want to pick another truth.

I sighed. "I pick dare."

Travis grinned mischievously and rubbed his hands together.

"Okay." He said. "Frank, I dare you to be extra nice to Leo for the rest of the game. Like really nice."

I groaned and glared at Jason who chuckled. I also saw Percy smirking so I sent him a glare as well.

The thing with me and Leo is... he absolutely annoys me. I mean he doesn't think rationally and makes everything a joke. Plus, he has fire powers.

Leo pouted. "Oh, come on, I'm not that bad."

Thalia rolled her eyes. "Sure, whatever you say, Leo."

"Thalia." Said Nico. "You forgot to say something at the end of that sentence." He smirked widely.

Thalia grit her teeth. "Sure, whatever you say, Leo... in bed."

We all burst out laughing, including the now red in the face Leo. He must have been a bit embarrassed, but he had a massive smirk on his face after he stopped laughing.

I resisted an urge to roll my eyes at him. Instead I smiled. "Alright. Leo, truth or dare?" I think I saw him gulp.

Leo's {P.O.V}

"Dare. I pick dare." I said. I was a bit worried what dare Frank might give me, but then I remembered that he has to be nice to me for the rest of the game.

Frank looked thoughtful and suddenly his face lit up. "Okay, I dare you to let anyone in the group give you a new hairstyle."

I grinned. This couldn't be so bad, now could it?

"I volunteer!" Said Jason. He was still hugging the brick I gave him, due to that dare that he was given.

Thalia pouted. "Not fair, in bed."

Jason sent me a maniac grin, and now I was really scared. I glared at Frank.

"I thought you were meant to be nice to me." I told him. "But you're not."

Frank raised an eyebrow. "This is me being nice. I could have given you a more embarrassing dare."

I groaned and then sighed. "Fine. Jason, make me beautiful." I told him.

"I don't think that's possible." Nico muttered quietly, but we all heard him and everyone apart from burst out laughing.

I pouted and glared at Nico, but he just raised an eyebrow at me, totally unaffected by the glare.

After a while everyone calmed down, and Piper left the cabin, then returned a couple of minutes later with combs, brushes, hairspray, hairpins, hair bubbles and even sprayed hair dye.

I had to sit straight for the next minutes at least waiting for Jason to finish doing my hair.

Is this really how long some girls spend doing their hair? Ugh, it must be boring. And with my ADHD it was so bad to sit still.

But I sat still and felt Jason style my hair (more like pull it all out) or try to do so.

The others in the cabin slowly started talking to each other waiting for my to dare to finished.

After what seemed like eternity I heard Jason say "And done!"

He went and sat back in his original seat while the rest of the people in the cabin got a proper look at me now and they all burst out laughing.

"His hair looks like a mix of a birds nest and professionally styled pigtails that little girls wear!" Thalia said before she burst out laughing again.

Everyone else burst out laughing once more while I frowned and glared at the laughing Jason.

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