*viva la vida*

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*Harry's pov*

We're going to get on stage. I have to make a move before that. I don't know what to do. I'm lost. I'm drowning in my feelings. I don't know if it is just the freak or if I'm gay or bi or only god knows what. I don't know. Anyways I have to do something.

H: Louis ?

L: Yep, what is it, you ok ? He sounds actually concerned. Maybe I look weird ?

H: Yeah I'm very fine, you ? Just hearing his voice make me feel something in my stomach like a firework of butterflies, I know it sounds cliché but I don't really care to be honest.

L: I'm ok a bit stressed but I know everything is going to be alright. What did you want to know ?

H: Oh nothing in particular just ...

L: Just ?

H: Just... erm..

L: You should wright books you know, you have a gift for suspens.

Liam: This is our moments fellas !

    *Louis's pov*

That's when he crashed his lips against mine. He just felt right so I kissed him back. I wasn't sure if I wanted this to happen but now trust me I'm very sure. I realized I wanted to kiss him for a long time when I drove my hands from his neck to his gorgeous curly hair to realize it was even more satisfying than what I figured it would feel like. I lost track of time and I got out of my dream when Niall and Liam cleared their throats several times.

Niall: Guys we got to get on stage !

But I wasn't listening to them, well actually I didn't want to.

I want it to last forever.

    *Harry's pov*

I did it, I'm kissing him, and he's kissing me.


I don't want it to stop, I'm afraid if I let go I could never do this ever again. But we got to get on stage so I pushed him slowly and gently so he won't freak out. His lips are a bit swollen. Which is cute actually.

On stage in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1.

Niall: Let's go guys !

Here we go this is our moment we can't fail. I'm looking at Louis while we're singing, trying to make it not too obvious so people won't ask questions.

    *Louis's pov*

I try my best to focus on something else than harry while we're singing but it's really hard taking in count the fact that he stares at me too. Anyway we killed it. We're getting out of stage but Harry is far away I feel like he doesn't want to talk to me. So I'm not going toward him I don't want to appear as the guy who growls at your feet if you kiss him.

    *Harry's pov*

I'm afraid to talk to him after we got out of stage. Maybe he didn't want me to kiss him like this. Maybe I just imagined that he was kissing me back, maybe he wasn't at all. Or maybe he would kiss anyone who would kiss him. But I guess I don't want to be just another one who kissed him. Or maybe not. But I'm not really sure I want to know for the moment. I just want to think he kissed me back because it was me and not just anyone else. We're getting back to the house and I go straight to my room and I don't want to talk to the other either.

    - 2 weeks later -

    *Still Harry's pov*

I haven't talk to Louis since we kissed backstage except during rehearsal. I think it's time. I've discussed with Niall who told me to go ahead without thinking 'if you fancy him you shouldn't even be asking yourself question'.This Irish man could make me do anything it's crazy. So I'm doing what I'm told. I'm looking for Louis but fuck I can't find him. After at least 10 minutes of intense search I'm starting to lose hope so I go to the stairs. That's always where I go when I want to be alone to think. I'm in the corridor that leads to the stairs when I'm hearing at tiny sound of music. I move forward to know where it comes from when I see a boy with a striped t-shirt. Louis. Just seeing him makes me want to go to the beach to run until I'm breathless so we can lay together on the beach (I'm so cheesy god help me). I walk towards him and sit beside him, I saw the shadow of a smile on his face. But he doesn't look at me and he doesn't talk either. I wait patiently watching the wall in front of me. After 15 good minutes I figured that silence was unbearable so I asked him a question just to start a conversation. 'What are you listening to ?'

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