chapter two

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Courtney POV

There he was again, I can't believe he actually noticed me, twice! I wish o could talk to him, but their security is so tight that I can't even get within 100 ft of him, man, but their tour bus absent left yet, maybe they are waiting for someone. I started to walk back to my car but then I heard someone yell slash whisper "hey!", so I turned around to see who called, well I didn't know if they called for me or not but I decided to look anyways. Then I turned around and I saw a guy in a suit walking over to me, he was one of the body guards, I started getting nervous, what did he want, is there something I did? Then he finally reaches me and stops two feet in front of me.

"Come with me ma'am, please" he said in a deep voice. Oh God what could have I possibly done?! He takes me to the back of the arena and takes me inside and then my heart stopped, I couldn't believe my eyes. As I walked in I saw Harry standing on the opposite side of the room leaning against the wall. I froze, I couldn't speak, and then the guard went outside and closed the door, then Harry spoke.

"I'm sorry if he frightened you, but I saw you in the arena and , this was the only way I could meet you in person" I stood there shocked, he went through the trouble of making a body guard find me just to talk to me. Then I opened my mouth.

"" God I sounded like an idiot, but I didn't know what to say.

"Well I don't have much time so I'm just going to give you my number, and maybe we could go get some coffee tomorrow, I will be here for about a week, so, Ya" he said in a rush, I had a feeling like he wasn't supposed to be here. So he wrote down his number and he said bye and left in a hurry. I looked at the number and I walked out of the door and put his number in my purse. Once I got to the car I tested the number he gave me and said, "I would love to meet up with you tomorrow and my number is 5908115, so text me and my name is Courtney btw:)" then I sent the text and waited for a response, then one came right away, he texts fast.

He said,"great :) and I'm sorry I left in a hurry and had to meet you like that but I left the tour bus and they didn't know, I just had to see you."

Then I said, "it's alright and I wanted to see you too, so see you tomorrow?"

"Ya, at that coffee shop on central, at 1:00?"

"That would be great:)"

"Ok see you then:)"

Then the texts ended and I was so excited I screamed with joy and wiggled around in my seat. I can't believe I'm going on a date with harry styles tomorrow!!!


Hey it's the author, sorry if that was a scrappy chapter but I'm a bit tired. I will update later and you guys can see what happens!!!<3

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