chapter two

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Pj made her way into the car through the practical blizzard. Checking her instagram for new followers. But only saw crappy memes that died probably two months ago, so she looked at DDLC stuff. 

"I thought it was spring. Why is it snowing?" she asked her father yet he didn't respond.

"Uh hello? Are you listening?"  she asked? 

"i dont know ok." he pulled into the school "have fun."

Yeah as if i'll have fun, but I walk into the school anyway.

(PJ's POV)

I struggle past the swarm of kids and get to my small locker, its barely the size of my bag, I see kids have been leaving notes on my dry erase board. I made my way to choir and practically slapped a chick two seats down from me for talking trash.

Today will be a long day. 

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