End of 9th grade

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 Today is just a day I wish I could end. Literally I just left this hell of a place 3 years ago and now I have to go back. I was just feeling good about myself and loving my life and now I'm traveling down this poop hole. Man nothings gonna be the same as it was at Moundville. Nothing will be good for me, at all. I hate it, I hate it I do.  Why ? 

(Mom- M , Me, Brother-B , Sister-S)

M- You all have to go back to Greensboro. I don't have time to deal with you all grandma mouth and shit because she don't feel like watching you all. she always acting like you all ain't her grand kids.  Just go ahead and get used to being down here.

B- MA we hate it over there man its just bad.

S- I'm okay with it.

Dede shut up man you would be that kid.

M- you all will be okay.

Man she actually sending us back to Greensboro School. Man i hope things changed at least. I cant deal with being bullied and stuff anymore. I just can't .  When we pulled to the house , I got out and Cleaned out my whole book bag and went to sleep. As I got up around 7 and got dressed my mom told me that we would be leaving at 7:30. so i got up and did my hair into a bun and put on some leggings and a big t-shirt. As we pulled up to the school and entered the office to wait on the principle and counselor to come and meet me to set up my schedule and finish off the school year. 

After about a hour of setting everything up she  told a student to show me my classes and same as usual everyone looks the same and all my cousins are still silly. as the day went on it was time for me to go to the tech center. I followed my friend Yanya to the bus and we got on and traveled the  3 minute drive . When we pulled up i had to go to the counselor there to get checked in and to know where I'm going. And after her arguing with me about being there in the 9th grade and going to tech wasn't the ideal thing but since i took all the classes everyone else took already , She sent me over to the tech . When i entered the class all i saw was boys. 

to be continued........................

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