Chapter 1:The death of the Scarlet speedster

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" Hurry James, Hurry!" Tylers yells in the micro-ear phones, which hurt my ears when he yells.

F***! I can't believe that we only have a matter of seconds before the fastest man is dead, and thats an very big issue! Hey guys, your probably wondering hows it been with me, your pal James doing, and i have to say, i'm doing alright. I met this Tyler Black guy, who's a angel of God, has cool powers of turning into pure energy, and sending it at his targets, and i'm running at mock 5 at speed level, which is my fastest I've ever ran! You see, this man, The Reverse Flash character is planning to take out his greatest enemy throughout time, and i have to stop that right. You see, in case those out there who don't understand anything about time-travel, let me explain a bit with this problem of mine and Tyler's. So, if the Fastest man dies before he gets his speed, it will send a time-shock throughout time, erasing every event, every chaos ever prevented by him, and will replace all that with something bad. There will be changes.And people will die, and the sucky part about that is only me and Tyler and The Reverse Flash will know what those differences are.

" I'm running at my top speed Tyler" i yell.

I have to make it, i have too! As i ran, through Central city, it being night and all ,i began to think of what could happen if Barry Allen is dead

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I have to make it, i have too! As i ran, through Central city, it being night and all ,i began to think of what could happen if Barry Allen is dead. Would the time-shock affect me? Would i have my speed? I than looked up, and saw the C.P.D station, and the lab Barry Allen is at right now. I have to run! I have to run! I have to run! I have to run! Its a mantra now, a chant in my head. Please God, let me be fast enough to save him in time!


At that moment, i see The Reverse Flash, looming over Barry Allen. He's getting ready for the kill!

" NO!" i yell.

And just as i was making my way up the building of the C.P.D, phasing through the wall, running fast, about to grab Barry Allen out of the way, a force field blocks me, sending me through the C.P.D with force that knocked me out completely. 


The impact of the force field and my top speed all combined, making a sort of reflecting something off something really fast type of deal. OK, so if you guys didn't what i meant by the " reflecting something off something really fast" than let me give you a scenario. Picture a, those things you put out in your porch, made to kill bugs in the middle of the night, and it glows. If you say anything that involves electricity than your right!If you know what i mean, than you get it, and if you don't get it than i'm sorry.

There i lay, on the floor of Barry's messed up lab, and The man in the yellow suit glares at me.

" You see Mr.Runner, sometimes you win, sometimes you lose." he said, his tone sincere.

Than i remembered something that i hope would pause him for  at least a brief second to let Tyler know i need help. " Thawne!" i yell, my tone full of pain.

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