Dream come true

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(Authors note:This whole chapter is Amy's POV.)

I woke up from a wonderful dream, or at least that's what I thought. I looked to my left and saw my blue Knight and smiled. It wasn't a dream it was real. Sonic told me he loves me, confessed why he has been avoiding me, and then we shared our first kiss.

It may not have been my very first kiss, but it was my first kiss with my one true hero.

Many kisses followed after that, and ever signal one of them was special.
Then evening came and I didn't want him to go out at night cause it was too dark and cold. So I let him stay the night with me. We didn't have sex.

I want our first time to be special so we won't "do it" till we get married. I know it won't be my very first time. But it will be my first time with my true love so I want it to be special .

I ran my hand through Sonics quills. I was so happy. Sonic had finally return the feelings I had for him for as long as I could remember. I was too happy to go back to sleep. I didn't want to wake Sonic so I got up, got dressed and decided to go for a walk.

As I walked all i could think about was how happy I was. My dreams have finally come true.I fell like I just came home after waiting so long.

( Authors note :Start the song. The parts that are in parentheses are the parts where she's not singing.)


I am home now, home now
I've been waiting for forever to find you, to find you
I'm not alone now, alone now
Cause you've taken in my heart from the cold
All I know is every time I look into your eyes I'm home, I know

( Amy said as she though about Sonic and his emerald green eyes)

You're where I belong
I belong with you
You're where I belong
And I know it's the truth
You're part of my heart
There's nothing I can do
Oh you're the one who keeps me warm
My baby you're where I belong

(" I smiled and cried tears of joy.)

You're my first taste, first taste
Of the sweetest feeling I've ever known, that I've known
You're my safe place, my safe place
From a world that can be so cruel and cold
You're my harbor, you're my shelter, you're that welcome smile
That lets me know I'm home( Amy said as she thinks about the feeling she gets every time shes in Sonics arms and sees his smile.)

You're where I belong
I belong with you
You're where I belong
And I know it's the truth
You're part of my heart
There's nothing I can do
Oh you're the one who keeps me warm
My baby you're where I belong

You're the one I come too, yeah

(" Sonic isnt just my hero or my boyfriend. He is my everything. My reason, my strength, my power, my family, my best friend, my.....He is my home.")

To keep me from the cold

( Amy stretch out her hands as she stood at the edge of the cliff she was at the other day. Watching the sun rise not just on a new day, but a whole new life and world. The very same that she always dreamed of.)

You're where I belong
I belong with you
You're where I belong
And I know it's the truth
You're part of my heart
There's nothing I can do
Oh you're the one who keeps me warm
My baby you're where I belong

( " Everywhere i look all i can see is Sonic and a dream come true.")

You're where I belong
(You're where I belong)
(You're where I belong, you're my only home)
You're where I belong
(You're where I belong)
(You're where I belong, you're my only home)
You're where I belong

I am home now, home now

(Author note:End of song.)

I held my hands to my heart and cried. Not tears of sadness and pain but tears of joy and happiness. After a few minutes i turned around and went back to my house.

( Time skip)

As i walked into my house i half expected Sonic wouldn't be there. But too my relief he was still there in my house, sleeping in bed.

I knew he was probably going to wake up soon so i decided to make him and myself  a big breakfast. Oh i just know he will love it. " giggle"

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