new hope

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my name is Payten Moore I'm 17 I have 4 siblings I live with 2 (shout out to all my middle children out there) and we just moved to Ireland. meaning I have to start over which I was not happy about. the reason we moved is to get away. I start school in a month and it just got me more more nervous thinking about. I got my thoughts interrupted by my mom yelling up to me (its a two story house)
"go and help your brother and sister out with unpacking" "YES MOM" I shouted back I walked in to my sister's room first "hey turd" I said, she snaped her neck around giving me evil eye. "you scared me!" was all she said, "sorry little bit. mom told me to help y'all unpack" (I am truly from Texas and never left the state so sorry if anything is off) "So what do I need to unpack first?" looking at my sister who is 12. "just start with that one" she said pointing at a box "what's in is?" I asked with a questionable look " just clothes" she said opening up a box. I opened the box and started to put things away. then I noticed something about us. we have the same round face, same blond hair and same body shape but I have one green eye and one brown eye and she has blue. an top of that all I covered my eyes in a bandana to his my eyes
*time skip because I'm dumb*
when we finished unpacking it was dinner time. me and Lilly headed down the stairs for food. I see my brother Ryan and snuck up behind him popped his head. he quickly turned around a tackled me to the ground and we started to wrestle. of course Lilly broke it up by yelling "I'M GONNA EAT ALL Y'ALLS FOOD!" we stoped and ran to get food. "what's of dinner mom?" I ask "steak and mashed potatoes" she said back "MY PEOPLE!" Lilly yells. we all laugh and then start to eat.
*time skip by a Goofy Goober*
it was time to go to sleep. mom said we will go shoping for my uniform to tomorrow. I was soooo excited
I was in a dark a dirty basement. "ooohhh nooo" I groaned I heard stomping coming down the stairs. then with in a blink of a eye the figure was wright in front of me. it was like a slap in the face when I realized who it was it was...
*sorry for the short chapter and for the cliffhanger but hey it's something I guess anyway you can keep on reading if you want but please comment ways I can make to story better thank you and love you all*

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