Photographer (1/10)

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Name: Noah Peterson

Age: 16 going on 17

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Hes outgoing and funny, Noah loves to make people laugh. He thinks that it makes great pictures. He finds it easy to be happy and cheerful all the time. But he hates it when people cry or are sad. He struggles with his own emotions when he sees that people are sad.

Backstory: Find out~

Looks: Media

Species: Human

Likes: Photography, writing, photo shoots, playing basketball, coffee, sunsets, and you!

Dislikes: Bullys, rude people, mornings, school, seeing you sad.

Other: He had ADHD, so he's super hyper all the time.

Scenario one: You were hiking a mountain near your home town, but you strayed away from the path and couldn't find your way back. Just when you were starting to panic you heard this, "Stay still now.. There!" Then there was a bright flash coming from behind you. What do you do?

Scenario two: You were sitting on a bench outside eating lunch while, reading/playing on your cell phone and there was a bright flash. You look up to see Noah, he waved cheerily. "Sorry! I just had to take a picture of your beauty!" You?

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