True Love Came with a Crazy Obsession

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It's been months. For most people months can be a lot, especially when you're going on without something you love. Dinah Jane Hansen is no different. Twenty years old and madly in love with hot cheetos. Well it was more of an addiction to them. It's gotten so bad to the point that her friends like Zendaya and Normani banned her from eating them.

But did that stop her?

N O P E❗

She sneaked to various friends houses to get them. She couldn't resist it! From that point on she became known as the Hot Cheet-hoe, the young woman who was strangely over obsessed with Hot Cheetos, but yet could win over any male or female with her intensely hot looks.

She took this situation as all fun and games. Not long after it became so serious that Frito-Lay had to get a restraining order against her.

“What would you do that to ME? I'm like One of the only people in my friendship groups that ACTUALLY buy them. Have fun losing millions of dollars because that's what I spend on them.” All the lawyers and the judge in the courtroom stared at her strangely.

The judge cleared her throat. “Ahem Ms. Hansen was a fair point that she's bringing. If she's out, you could lose your product.” Soon everyone was dismissed and were given a new court date to return.


It soon came to the conclusion that the restraining order would be dropped.

As soon as Dinah left the courtroom, people had to keep her back from trying to buy some chips.

“Oh hell no bitches!” She screamed on the top of her lungs, knocking everyone out, stealing Camila's wallet since she had the most money because Normani spends all of hers on Hot Chicken Wings.

She speed down the roads of her hometown, which was actually a once in a lifetime experience due to her mother not allowing her to drive.

At last she had arrived to Target. She dashed down the aisles and bought 100 bags of them. It ended up being that she bought all the chips from the entire store.

She drove back home recklessly. As soon as she entered her kitchen, she ripped the bag open, and then savagely devoured the hotness of the cheetos.

It was love at last...

T H E   E N D‼️


I'm sorry I made this...

I'm just bored, really bored. So here's a quick note: Do not, I repeat, DO NOT write when you're bored because you're risking your writing life.

But I literally wasted your life when you read this.

Enjoy ❓

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