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Jeongguk didn't like going to the doctor's, he never had. Even if it was only for a small check up. He sat in the small waiting room, having already checked in. He messed around on his phone while he waited for his name to be called.

"Jeon Jeongguk!" Called a lady's voice. Jeongguk looked up, standing almost immediately. He strode over to the woman, smiling softly at her.

"Follow me, hun." The older lady instructed, leading him down the hall. She weighed him and checked his height and then pointing him into a room.

"Someone will be with you in a moment." She stated and then left the room a moment later. Jeongguk sat down on the examination table, looking around and taking in his surroundings. The room smelled like disinfectants and was very white. Posters hung on the walls. It was mostly stuff that Jeongguk didn't really understand.

The click of the door opening, drew Jeongguk's attention to the man entering the room. His breath hitched at the sight of the very tall and extremely attractive man.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Kim." The tall man answered, smiling at Jeongguk. Jeongguk just nodded in response, not knowing what to say. Though, he didn't really feel like he could speak at all.

This man was just so attractive and Jeongguk couldn't help but think that his thighs looked like they were made to be rode.

"Uh, Jeongguk...unless y-you already know that. I mean you are the doctor." Jeongguk rambled, hoping that Dr. Kim just took it as him being nervous about being at the doctor's.

"I do." Dr. Kim chuckled softly, sitting down at the little desk area in the small room. He tapped away at the computer for a moment and Jeongguk chewed on his lip while he watched him.

"Okay, so before I do the routine check up and everything, tell me what you here for, Jeongguk?" Dr. Kim turned in his chair, facing Jeongguk now.

"Oh, my shoulder has been bothering me lately. It's an old injury, I was going to ask if there was like some therapy place I could go to to help it or whatever..." Jeongguk hoped that Dr. Kim understood what he was saying because he was generally bad with getting his idea across but an attractive man made it even harder.

"That makes sense, yeah. Well I can give you the contact information for rehabilitation centers and physical therapy places." Dr. Kim offered and Jeongguk grinned and nodded.

"Yes! That would be great." He nodded, scratching the back of his neck. Little did Jeongguk know that Dr. Kim couldn't help but think that Jeongguk was very very adorable.

"Alright, let me do my routine check up and then I'll get that info for you." Dr. Kim stood up and began doing routine things like blood pressure checks.

"I just need to check your heart rate now." The man leaned down a little as he reached for Jeongguk's wrist. The close proximity made Jeongguk feel like his heart was beating so loud that Dr. Kim could hear it.

Dr. Kim lifted his arm so he could look at his watch, counting Jeongguk's pulse.

"Hm it's...faster than average." Dr. Kim said, looking at Jeongguk and smirking. Jeongguk felt his face heat up because holy shit he knew. Dr. Kim knew. Jeongguk was not subtle, not one bit because he was a dumb motherfucker.

Dr. Kim pulled away and walked back over to the computer.

He took out a pad of paper and tapped away at the keyboard for a moment. He took out his pen, clicking it and began writing down contact information for various places for Jeongguk to look into and hopefully contact.

Jeongguk fiddled with his fingers while he waited for Dr. Kim to finish writing. He kinda never wanted to ever go to the doctor's again but also he did.

Dr. Kim handed Jeongguk the paper and nodded to him.

"Have a good rest of your day, Jeongguk." Namjoon smiled almost knowly before winking at Jeongguk. At that he swiftly turned around, exiting the small room.

Jeongguk looked down at the paper, reading through the names of the places, their contact info under each name. When he got to the bottom of the list, he blushed because what was written there was:

Dr. Kim Namjoon


Call me ♡

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