Will Love Survive?

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  • Dedicated to Anyone who has ever had a broken Heart.

               Will love survive? This past week that question has floated through my mind multiple times. It has to. It's love! They write books about it, sing songs, make movies. But no on ever writes the books or movies about the love that hurts so much? It is almost better to loose it. That is the saddest part of love. Sometimes it is easier and better to say No, I can't have this.....this poison coursing through my veins. This.........love............it isn't good for me anymore.

                Sometimes that is the hardest thing to say. To be able to look at the person who has loved you so much and so hard that he or she has litterally crushed your heart. It gets to painful to breathe, to weak to beat. When will you look at them and say I love you too much to stay. It will be just too hard. Too sad. Too easy.

                What happens when you let them back in. Show your soft spot? Show that you still love them? What will you be able to do? When will it finally stop hurting? When will it finally stop the aching???? When will you be able to think of them, say their name? Without falling apart? When will that moment come?

                And what if they refuse? They don't let you go? What if they keep you tight in their arms? They don't let go. What do you do then? What happens? Who will finally have to give in and relinquish their hold? What happens when the other turns bitter? And says the one who let go didn't try hard enough? What happens then? And if your caught? Like a frightened animal in a trap? Who will finally tame you? Who will let you run? Just to prove to themselves that you will come back? 

                You have to understand! Love is terrifying! It is Love!!! The most powerful force in the universe! Right? If it is that powerful, do you think it would be easy??? NO! It is hard! You have to fight for it! You have to be able to say You know what?? No! I am not letting go! I am going to hold on tight!

                You better hold on tight because you are on the ride of your life! You have to be able to say that you truly want this and no matter what happens you fight. No matter what. Because as you walk through life their might be times where you want to sit down and hide to weather the storm. But do you wanna know a little secret? You can't be kissed in the rain if you never go out into it.

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