Chapter 13

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As soon as she said that I broke down crying because knowing she only had couple of days or weeks whatever left I need to make it count I love echo I can't live with out her

"Baby how long" I asked

"Since I was 12 I'm 19" she said

"Baby why didn't you tell me" I said

"Or me" Andy said

"I don't know I didn't want you guys worrying about me 24/7" she spoke getting frustrated so I pulled her and hugged her and she hid in my chest

"I love you babe" I said

"Love u too" she said falling asleep so I took her to her bed and I payed with her....

(Few months later)

Last night we took echo out to have fun because her having cancer we want her to have the best time before she goes it's been months since she told us so were spoiling her to death not literally she is upstairs sleeping still so I'm going to go wake her

"Echo babe wake up" I said kissing her and grabbing her hand she was so cold

"Echo baby this isn't funny wake up" I said she was so cold and not budging

"Baby please stop wake up now you can wake up please baby don't leave me"

I said crying

"Baby please" I said and she was so cold and no pulse

"NOOOOO" I yelled and all the guys came in

"What's wrong" they said

"She is gone" I whispered

"No no no" they said crying and falling to the floor and so did the girls

..My baby is gone

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