"So do you just normally climb into strangers windows."

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Sometimes I stare off into space and feel like I lose myself into a oblivion of completely darkness. I shouldn't  of never climbed into his window, but sometimes in life we do the opposite of the right choice.

He knew I was scared, afraid and he feeds on my emotions. If I were to describe him, all I say is dark, and extremely handsome. He had dark chocolate curly hair like he just rolled off of bed. But it still looks good and a nice face structure that kills.

And he knows he's handsome that's what's really mischievous about him. That's were I'm at right now staring right at him soaking wet from the rain. I must look crazy right now climbing in a strangers window drenched from head to toe.

And why we'll I was running away from the cops because I got caught shoplifting, I like the rush. Anyway he's not alone he's with a girl a really pretty girl.

"What the hell!" The really pretty girl shouts. I stand there just watching them on the bed doing gods no what. I probably look like a creep.

"Who is she Wolf do you know her." He's name is Wolf?

"Obviously I don't know her" he gets off the bed and he walks towards me. "Do I have to call the cops for breaking and entering" he's towering over my 4'11 I should be used to it but him it's like he's dominating over me.

"I just needed a place to hide for a few minutes." He looks at me and says "Are you in trouble." I nodded the pretty girl behind him says "Wait you can't be kidding me, Wolf she can be a prisoner for all we know."

"I'm not a prisoner." I barked back, we stare at each other and he says "I believe her, come on let's get you dried." I followed him into a bathroom, his girlfriend I assume is sending me death glares while he closed the door.

"So do you just normally climb into strangers windows." I hopped on the counter letting the heating dry my clothes. "No I'm not some weirdo, you just caught me in a desperate situation."

"What's your name?" He comes closer towards me "Octavia" he smirks "And how about yours Wolf, seriously." How dare he laughs at my name, when his is a freakin animal.

"It's a nickname" he says I rolled my eyes "so what's your real name." He comes closer to my face and says "my name is my business and I don't even know you like that."

He backs away from home and opens the door and leaves. I jumped off the counter. My clothes is semi dried and my brown hair is down my back in messy curls.

I check my phone and I see it's about to be ten. I can't be late I have to go back home before Rachel finds out. I go back to where his room is Wolf is laying on his back on the bed while pretty girl is trying to get his attention.

I pay both of them no mind and open the window about to climb out before he spoke "My window is always unlock Octavia." Something should of go off in my head red flag alert but of course I never listen to my head. He watches me climb out of his window knowing I'll be back like an idiot.

"For now on I wanna know where you are. Who you hangout with, and I want phone numbers to all your friends. So I can contact you if needed." I stopped eating my cereal and looked at her. "You know what's coming outta your mouth is ridiculous." I continue to eat my cereal while she starts talking again. "Octavia how many times are the cops are going to be knocking on my door at 1 am lookin g for you." She starts grabbing her coffee and briefcase ready to go to work. She looks at me and says "things have to change around here." All you hear is my mothers heels as she leaves.

Sometimes when we talk about my behavior I get some type of humor out of it. But this time I have a bad feeling or it could be I'm still hungry. I grab my backpack and saw Kendra's black Jeep waiting outside for me. "Hurry up we can't be late again this week I already have my parents giving me shit."

I laughed and hopped in the passenger seat. "Talking about parents giving shit, Rachel gave me her daily speech on how my behavior been inappropriate lately." Kendra rolls her eyes and starts driving "Well can you blame her Octavia you been staying out late and getting in trouble with the cops and expect her to be ecstatic when she sees you, let's be real."

"You're not making me feel any better than I did a minute ago, you could at least lied to me." I utter out annoyed. Kendra responded "That's what's best friends for to tell you the brutal truth." We make it to our school on time, we get out and starts walking towards the entrance. Kendra nudges me and says "I heard Adam broke up with his ex this summer and he's single." I open my locker and respond "And why should I care." Kendra obnoxiously says "Because didn't he and you had a thing going on." She starts grabbing her books for her class.

I turn towards her "First of all we only kissed once, and we were drunk together at a party. I don't really consider that a thing."  Kendra flips her blonde straight hair "Whatever, I still think you guys are a perfect match."

The bell rings and I start heading towards my class. "Well I think you're just delusional." I shouted towards her. I continue walking towards my class when I hear group of guys talking and laughing obnoxiously. I look from the conner of my eye and see a group of good looking boys talking but one of them I knew. How could I forget that face, Wolf.

He's leaning against the locker with his eyes closed while his friends talk to him like he's actually paying attention. I guess one of his friends say something and he opens his eyes and stares right at me. I can see grayish greenish eyes focusing on me. I smirk and kept on walking I didn't bother to see his reaction.

After a long hour of history and other boring classes I couldn't wait to get home. On my way heading to Kendra's car I realize she got soccer practice. So I decided to wait for her in the school court yard. Where all the students hangout and gossip the latest drama. I usually don't get involved in petty High school drama but the court yard is the only place that's open to students after school.

I find a empty spot near a tree and drop all my stuffs and sat down. I begin taking out my drawing pad and start drawing random things. Time goes by in-till I notice a shadow forming above me. I look up and see Wolf he starts siting next to me near the tree. He then takes out a cigarette and starts smoking. He looks at me and says "What?" I blow my curly long hair out of my face from the wind and respond "Out of all the empty spots you gotta choose right next to me." He laughs "I just wanna see how my little troublemaker is doing, beside you owe me that I didn't call the fucking cops on you." I start getting annoyed why did I climb into a jerk's window. I start ignoring him and continue drawing but he starts twirling a single strand of my hair around his finger. "I was hopping you'll taken my offer last night." I can feel him losing himself in me and I didn't like it at all so I slap his hand from my hair and sarcastically said "I was busy climbing in other strangers windows, it's kinda a hobbies of mine."

I can tell he didn't like that comment because he responded with "Why didn't you come?" aggressively he guides my face towards his and comes closer to me. I whispered "I was busy." I snapped back he smiles and  let's go my face and starts smoking again. I see Kendra walking towards us so I decided to get up and start walking towards her. But before I can leave Wolf grabs my arm and whispered in my ear "Don't worrying I'll be your dirty little secret." He laughs afterwards, He let's go of my arm and starts heading the opposite direction of me.

I joined Kendra and she starts ambushing question about Wolf. How did I start talking to him? Why was he so close to me? Is he causing problems? Am I doing the dirty with him? All type of ridiculous question. I obviously I don't answer her but I know she's curious. One thing you should know about Wolf is that his the most popular human being in this town because one his family owns most of the building in this hell hole and for one you don't go up to Wolf, he comes up to you. Even the adults don't dare starting a conversation with him because he's so intimidating.

The ride back to my house was a blur to me but I do know it's midnight and I get a text from an unknown number saying "Come." Of course I know who's that dominating so I reply with a "Fuck you." He reply's back with a "Soon." I can't with his mind games right now. Something about him just gets me so irritated. Another text pops in saying "Tomorrow I want you here, you owe me." I turn my phone off and shut the lights and crawl into bed. Tomorrow is when I turned into an addict.

Thank you for finishing the chapter, I just wanted to say please leave comments on how you likely the story so far and if I should keep progressing with this plot.

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