The beginning

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___________________________Takes place in Season 6 episode 6_______________

It all started when Mia turned 16 her mom told her the basics of the question she has been asking since she could remember, who her father is. All she was told was her dad was a hunter that killed supernatural beings for a living and was always on the road she was also informed that her dad didn't know she was even alive. When Mia turned 18 he mother mysteriously vanishes and Mia took it into her hands to track her mom down. After laborious hours she managed to track down the thing that took her it was a demon and it turns out her mom made a deal that kept her dad out of her life.

Mia got wind of a case when she read a news article about a babysitter being killed in the house she was babysitting in. She walks into the coroners office when she sees two men talking to the coroner one nab was tall with long hair and the other was shorter with short hair. Mia hears the shorter one say "Agents Paige and Plan FBI." the coroner says "Gentlemen what brings you by?" to which the taller one replies "We need to see Amber Grier's body." while the boys finish up talking with the coroner Mia remembers hearing from other hunters about the brother duo the Winchesters and from how people describe them she figures this is them, they look calmer than what she would expect for two guys who let Lucifer free. The coroner then walks up to me and in the back i see the boys examining the body but he says to me "Hi there how can i help?" in which i reply while pulling out my fake FBI badge "Hi yes my name Agent Stone from the FBI those are my partners over there." and he replies " Alright i was just going to walk them through the report i emailed out this morning since you guys are having server problems" i nod to him and follow him to the boys and says "Alright seems your partner here got lost on the way here but ill go ahead and tell you what happened." the boys look at me and i give them a look that says "ill explain later" the coroner says "when they brought her in we thought she was attacked by a wolf or something." my mind goes straight to werewolf the short brother replies "Or something." which i let out a sigh. the coroner then explains that they were wrong and pulls out a press on nail in a evidence bag tat they had found in her temporal lobe, which means she had done this to herself.

As the man walks away the boys itch due to being told about a phantom itch. They turn to me and i say "Hi boys." the shorter one says "Who are you and what are you doing saying your our partner?" i say "I'm Mia Waters and i'm guessing you are Dean and giant over there that's Sam." they start to walk out of the building and when we are near the parking lot Sam says "Okay let me get this straight you know who we are. I take it your a hunter." i smile and say sarcastically "Ding ding ding we have a winner. So are we going to go talk to the ones who found her body they must be pretty shaken up." Dean replies "We are you no." i look at him and laugh saying "I didn't come here for nothing and I didn't ask for your permission, yes i don't like working together but since I am here I guess i have to. Now who's car are we taking?" as i pull out my keys to my 1957 Chevrolet Bel Air and unlock it. Dean says "Sam you go with her i will meet you guys there." and he climbs into his 1967 Chevrolet Impala which i admit is a sexy car. Once Sam gets in your car he says "Well it seems like someone else likes classic cars." i smile turning on the car and say "It was my moms she told me my dad loved her car and that's how they started talking." Sam looks at me and says "Was? What happened." i smile sadly at Sam while driving and say "She was killed by a hell-hound, she made a deal and it was her time to pay up." "And your dad?" he replies, "Well i don't know him he doesn't know i was even born and mom mom wanted it that way so that's why she made the deal. She wanted me to stay away from my dad because he was a hunter and she did not want me in that line of work. If only she saw me now." The rest of the drive is silent.

"Okay now some of these questions may seem a bit odd but please just bare with me." Sam says to the couple who found Amber's body. "Have you noticed any cold spots in the house?" Sam asks and the husband replies "Uh no." "Okay and how about any strange smells" he asks while i follow Dean's actions in looking around the house, when the little boy asks us "Whatcha looking for?" I reply before Dean can and say "I don't know yet you name is Jimmy right?" to which he nods his head yes to Dean says "So Amber was your babysitter?" Jimmy who looks nervous says "Yes sir" Dean goes on to tell the boy about how his baby sitters sucked then he asks "Did you see anything strange last night?" and he says "No sir." but he looks like he is lying so i ask "Are you sure about that?" "I would tell you if i knew something i promise. one hundred percent cross my heart" Jimmy says quickly. Dean begins to get stern with the boy and accuse him of lying which i hit his arm and look at him sternly for, yes i know the boy is lying it is obvious but scaring him further is not a way to get answers. But Dean continues to scare him which in turn causes the boy to hand us itching powder which he says he put on Amber's hairbrush.

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