Chapter 7

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Euphoria by BTS (FLUENZA)

(No one's povs)

"To PROTECT me?!" Y/n asked in frustration

"Yes---" He was cut off

"Well it doesn't feel like protecting me you keep hurting me! How can you protect me if you keep on hurting me!" She asked disbelief

"It's not---" He tried explaining

"You think protecting me is making me jealous with Yeri? Sliding your arms into her waist, intertwining hands with her, choosing her, doing sweet things at her?! Is that the way you protect me?!" She screamed letting go at Jimin's embrace

"Let me explain please." Jimin pleaded sadly, seeing y/n like this hurts him more

"Go on." She said sternly while whipping her tears

"First, before that night happened, screaming, blaming things. Yeri contacted me, she told me if I didn't stay away from you she will kill you." Your eyes widened by his explanation

 "First of all we didn't have a relationship (with Yeri), then the girlfriend thing, that was past before I got married with you. That girl said that she would let me free because she knows I love you, then Yeri came the queenka." He sigh

"I don't have anything to do, I just wanted to protect you. So I end up saying those things at you then when I walked out, I took a last glance at you before leaving." He said making a tear come out from my eyes again

"Then when I walked out the house, I slowly comeback not making any noises, I saw you removing your shirt you wanted to die. And while I was watching you pain hit me, regretting on what I've done. Next I leave cause Yeri gave me time limit and the stay away from you, the next day I watched you with my other members plus they all what's happening, so don't blame them. Also your parents know about this, it's really hard. Sorry for not telling you. Next I saw you walking with them I was watching that time from afar. And when they hugged you I realized that you were crying another pain, next Yeri texted me so I went to her and the reason I was late she punished me." He explain more

Next is in the canteen, I'm watching from afar. I can sense she was warning you. So I went to her, and act sweet because it's of her rules and if I disobey her again she will kill you parents. Next the classes I wanted to know how are you feeling, you remembered my phone signaled that someone texted, it was her. Next the dismissal of the class she saw you and she quickly intertwined hands with me then she called you trying to make you jealous. Luckily Jungkook came and you left. Then the car thing, you parents called me about that then I called Jungkook again for help including the canteen I signaled Jungkook to "go" then the others new about the plan. Then I came here secretly and I'm planning something to stop her from what she's doing." He explained then I felt angry at myself from blaming him

"That's why I hate myself." You stated

"Don't hate yourself y/n, I know what you feel." He sniffed

"Tissue?" I asked showing my shelves that is full of tissue but..

"Sorry only this one left. I used it last night." y/n said making Jimin's eyes widened

"Y-You used it all?" He asked

"Yep and I need to drink my medicine now." She smiled weakly, "Why are you---" Jimin got cut off because y/n passed out.

(Jimin's povs)

"Y/N!" I shouted then her nanny came inside

 "What happened?!" Her nanny asked in panic

 "She passed out, gosh y/n are you really killing yourself?" I whispered at myself

 "Can you please get me medicine and hot water?" I asked her nanny and she immediately went out and get those things. I noticed her heater was off and her aircon was so cold plus her window in the bathroom is open. I closed the window and turn off the aircon, I turned her heater on. 

"I love you y/n." As I kissed her forehead

(Your povs)

You woke up and saw Jimin lying beside you he was sleeping, you remembered what happened and you felt selfishness. You looked at Jimin and caress his cheek. Looking at his blonde/black messy hair, cute eyes, tall nose, mocha cheeks and his kissable lips. You gulp seeing them, suddenly he woke up

"Y/N!" He immediately hugged me and I hugged him back

"Don't do that again!" He pouted giving me his sad face

 "Sorry oppa." I giggled

"What time is it?" I asked

 "U-ughh, actually we skipped school." He's hands went through his hair

"WHAT?!" I asked

"Yep, sorry." He apologized giving me his eye smile

 "Yeye, I don't feel like going to school today." I said and he put his hands into my forehead

"What?" I asked innocently

"Are you feeling good?" He asked and I nodded

"Good to hear." As he ruffled my hair

"So what's your plan?" I asked both of us are still lying in the bed

"I had a research she was missing, she killed her ex." Jimin laughed, "Also she killed her parents." Jimin added

"That slut needs to rot in jail." I stated

 "Ohh my wife is so scary." As Jimin peck my neck, "Pfft." I crossed my arms, "Your so cute!" As he pinched my cheeks

"Owww!" I shouted, "My cheeks are red!" I said, "Miann~" He sweetly said

"You stink take a bath." I said, "Y/n! ok ok fine." He said

 "Your clothes are in there." I pointed in the other cabinet

"Even my?" He smirked

 "Mom put those things in there! So don't blame me, I'm not perverted like my husband." I crossed my arms

"Arraso!" He laughedand walked into the bathroom    

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