Chapter 1

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"Hey guys, it's Connor. So today, based on the title, we're going to talk about the tour this coming Friday. Right now o2l is in Toronto and last night was fantastic. The noise you guys made was so loud! I was all like 'Oh my gosh. This is too loud! I need to get outta here!'" I say while running out the hotel door, flailing my arms in the air like a little kid in a candy shop,

I walk back in and sit in front of the camera..

10 Minutes Later

The video is edited. Including subtitles, filters, and the paging to the next scene. I upload it to my channel, and, once it's done, shut off my computer and go on Instagram.

"Like.. like.. like.. like.. this so boring!" I say, while checking my Facebook, "Like.. like.. like.. like.. this too!" I yell, while going on tumblr, "Like.. like.. watch.. like.. read.. like.. listen?" I ask. I press the microphone button and hear someone singing.

I have never heard the song before, or at least I thought I never have.

"My wish, for you, is that this life, becomes, all that you want it to.." and then it stops. I read the caption, and it says, 'Check the whole version out on YouTube! My channel is @lolTaylor!'

'This is my chance to be productive in life.. but I don't want to get up!' 'Who cares. She's talented, even more then Shawn Mendes, probably.' 'I doubt it. But whatever.' My conscience fights with me and he wins.

I got to my iMac and open up a Mozilla browser. I go to YouTube and look up her username.

"Holy.. 300 videos? That's more then me on my channel... jeez." I say, flabbergasted, but then realize I'm supposed to look for her most recent video.

I click her face (when you just go to a YouTubers channel, yes, you press their faces) and press on a video called 'Rascal Flatts' My Wish Cover'

"Hey, guys! It's Taylor! As you all know, or may not know if your not subscribed to me, I do song covers ever Friday! And so, you know what that means! Oh.. you don't? Well, I guess I'll have to spell it out for you. A *space* S O N G *space* C O V E R! Anyway, today Jc-"

"Wait what?!" I yell. Jc is just in his room!

I run down the hall and stop in front of Jc's door. I open it quietly and poke my head in.

"Your video looks great, Taylor. You should really come outside my room and interact with people." he says, watching the video.

"I have. It's just no-one has noticed me. I come down for dinner every night. I grab snacks every so often. I even stole Connor's lap-top to see if he'd care and he didn't. Nobody talks to me here except you. I feel like an outcast." she explains, tears running down her face.

"Well, I'd like to change that." I said.

I didn't even realize I was standing next to her until she said, "Really?"

"Really. You don't deserve to be treated that way. I'm sorry that I ignored you. I just get really sucked into my phone or my iMac sometimes." I say, cause it's true.

Sometimes I just stare at my bed!

"Well, I accept your apology. But how do you explain Sam and Trevor?" she asks, sounding upset again.

"Don't worry about them. In real life they really aren't social people. Kian and Ricky, though, maybe they just don't think your Pokemon material." I say, making her and Jc laugh.

"Well, you can tell them that I beat Jc every time we play!" she says, cheering up.

"Alright. Well, now that I got you happy, do you want to go out for ice cream? It's hot in this room." I ask her.

"Sure. But-" she turns to Jc, "you can't come."

"Awe! Why not?" he asks, bringing his baby face out.

She whisperes something in his ear and then he nods smirking. She slaps his arm and walks out the door, with me close behind.

I open the door for her and she thanks me. We get into my car and go off to the ice cream parlor.

5 Minutes Later

"This ice cream is REALLY good!" she exclaims, pounding a huge spoonful into her mouth.

"Haha, California's finest." I say, eating along with her.

"You're tellin' me! I'm about to move out here, just for this!" she says. I laugh again.

"Don't eat it too fast. You'll get a-" I get cut off by her finishing my sentence.

"BRAAAAAAIN-FREEEEEZE!" She moans, putting her warm thumb on the roof of her mouth. She quickly recovers.

"Haha. How about we finish these and head back to the apartment for a movie?" I ask.

If she says yes, this day will just keep getting better and better!

"Sure! I love Finding Nemo." she says with a wink.

"Then that's what we're watching!" I say getting up and heading to the car.


Jc's Cousin (A Connor Franta Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now