not an update (but i guess you can expect one?? who knows)

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uhm yea so this isn't really that important?? i guess???

so, the thing is, i just want you guys to know that i've been admiring this certain author on wattpad, kira-kira udah dari akhir tahun lalu. dia juga nulis ongniel dan aku bener-bener suka sama ceritanya dia. yea but since this story didn't really get a big amount of readers but i guess sebagian kecil dari kalian mungkin belum tahu dia. i've always wanted to get close to that certain someone.

dan kurang lebih satu bulan lalu, aku kenal sama seseorang, dari twitter. orangnya baik, perhatian, tapi rada sok cool gitu tapi gapapalah yang penting romantis gimana gitu. we've known each other for almost a month and i jUST FOUND OUT TODAY KALAU DIA ITU AUTHOR FANFIC ONGNIEL FAVORIT AKU ITU.

i was in shock, i can't believe that they're the same person. it actually feels like you're actually friends with your bias???? gitu???? ngerti gak sih.

jadi, dia itu, inspirasi aku buat nulis fic ini, hehehehe. please welcome, haengbokaseong!!

so this is gonna be a mini confess session. siap-siap, ya, nin.

nindy. aiden. atau apa ya nyebutnya terserah deh pusing akutuh.

i've never expected we'd be this close and most importantly, i've never expected that you're actually one of my fav authors.

rasanya kaya ngeblank banget waktu kamu bilang kamutuh haengbokaseong terus aku kaya mikir 'hah kaya kenal da unamenya kek pernah ngefollow' terus aku belain ngedownload wp pake paketan terus login abis itu ngesearch uname wp kamu, nemu fanfic ongniel kesukaanku. terus aku liat nama authornya terus aku cocokin sama uname kamu perhuruf satu-satu takut salah eH TERNYATA BENERAN AUTHORNYA CIGARETTES AND RAINBOW ALAH MAK MoNANGIS AKu.

APALAGI WAKTU KAMu BILANG KAMu UDAH BACA CERITA INI SAMPE ABIS AKDHAKFBSLHFLSHCOCV FUJK AKU MENANGIS GULUNG2 DI KASUR??? WTF????????? T_____T berasa kek dinotis bias. aduh alay ya. maap maap. HUHUH. karena kamu akU jadi semangat mau nulis lagi. makasih, ya?♡

i love you, a loooooooot—!!♡♡♡♡

and... uh, should i make this book chaptered? or should i make a new one? :(((

Rasa ; OngNiel 🌸Where stories live. Discover now