True or False?

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True or False: A spider laid eggs inside of Randy Jackson?

I asked Google that the other day. No results came up except something about a spider living in some woman's ear. Wow. I didn't know my ear-spider story was on the Internet.

Anyway, I then asked my best friend Pharrell Williams, who replied, "I don't even know you! Untie me! I MISS YOU HELEN!!!"

I traveled the world looking for the answer. I asked my other friend Taylor about Randy Jackson, and she told me that she may have gouged out his eyes. I promptly shot her in the face and continued on my journey.

I encountered my old friend from my fourth year of kindergarten. His name was Gerald and he said that Randy Jackson was at his house right now and I could ask him personally!

I went to Gerald's house and no one was there.

The thing was Gerald lived in Brazil and I didn't know where in Africa Brazil was.

So I slept over at Gerald's that night. We told ghost stories and painted each other's nails pink...

I'm kidding. We're grown adults!

We painted each other's nails purple.

The next day, I woke up on top of Randy Jackson.

"Who- who are you?" he sputtered.

"True or False: A spider laid eggs inside of you?"

"What-? GET OUT!"

"So the rumors are true!"

That day, I found out that Randy has a talking dog who doesn't want to talk about anything but the Kardashians. "Oh my god, Becky, do you see Kim's butt? It is so BIG."


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2014 ⏰

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