Prologue - Party Crasher

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Cold coolin at a bar, and I'm lookin for some action. But like Mike Jagger said, I can't get no satisfaction. The girls are all around, but none of them want to get with me. My threads are fresh and I'm lookin def, yo, what's up with L-O-C? The girls is all jockin at the other end of the bar. Havin drinks with some no-name chump, when they know that I'm the star. So I got up and strolled over to the other side of the cantina. I asked the guy, "Why you so fly?" he said, "Funky Cold Medina".

It was 1989, the night before the seniors of MIT were to graduate, and Rebecca Tate was once again saving Tony's reputation. The air was filled with smoke and partygoers dancing til they dropped, literally. Almost everyone there was twenty-one or older except for the accused and the savior. Boyfriends and girlfriends slammed into each other and danced in the mosh pit. It was absolute chaos, and definitely not where Rebecca wanted to be. Of course, originally, she had no plan to even show up to the celebration. She'd rather her head not be pounding as she gave her speech as second in her class the next day. The problem was, Tony Stark, soon to be head of Stark Industries, was a frequent flyer in the bad choice club.

Right before Rebecca was going to get ready for bed, James Rhodes, both one of her and Tony's friends, called begging her to come over and get Stark out of the party. Normally, Rhodey could get Tony to listen to him, but it seemed tonight he was especially drunk. Without a moment of hesitation, she donned a pair of ripped jeans along with a neon green mesh top with a white tank underneath. Silver hoop clip-ons were snapped onto her ears, Converse laced up, and she left her dorm, footsteps echoing behind her.

It was surprising that the gathering hadn't been shut down yet, but if the supposedly responsible adults weren't going to do anything, then Rebecca would. After politely pushing her way through the crowds she came upon a living room with a coffee table and couch. Waiting for her were two guys, one sitting on the couch in a Hawaiian t-shirt and dress pants sipping a dirty martini, and the other in an aviators jacket begging the drinker to leave.

"Hey, Rhodey," Rebecca said coming to his side, looking up at Tony with a smirk. "By the way he's looking at you, I doubt that's his first one."

"Correct," he returned, sighing. "I keep reminding him tomorrow he has a spee—"

"Ah, look who decided to show up," Tony Stark jumped into the conversation, speech slurring. "The queen of disappointments."

"You're kidding me, right? Tony, you must be more of a lunatic than I thought if I'm the disappointment here. Rhodey and I have to get you out of here before you make a complete and total fool out of yourself."

"Give me a second."

Tony turned his head around and vomited behind the couch. People jumped back in disgust, saw it was Tony, and thought little of it. Still, he began apologizing to everyone around him.

"Okay, that is more than enough of a reason for me to get you out of here. And, swear to God, if you start complaining as we haul you out of this mess, the pain you feel tomorrow morning won't just be from your hangover."

She had smiled as she said that knowing the one thing they had both always shared was a good use of sarcasm.

"Rhodey, I'm gonna let you grab his shoulders in case anything other than words comes out of his mouth again."

"Great," he said, wishing Tony could have just behaved for once. "You know, Becca, your parents must have been nuts to give you up."

Rebecca looked upwards sharply, grabbing Tony's legs.

"Sorry, forgot it was a touchy subject. Maybe we should just get him out of here and—"

"That's a great idea, and don't worry about it. If they didn't care about me, then I won't care about them. You know I'm better than that. But if you want to really get into what you called a 'touchy subject' you should talk about Tony's dad."

"Hey," a half-unconscious Tony said, grinning. "What happened to your whole rescue plan? And I thought we had better things to do than pick on each other."

Rebecca and Rhodey lifted him up off the couch and began to make their way out the door.

"With the way your mind works," retorted Rebecca. "I'm not sure those 'things' would fall under the responsible person category.

They all laughed, and walked to Tony and Rhodey's dorm where hopefully, things could stay calm and in control for more than a minute.

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