I Hate You

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I wonder if you go on facebook just to see if I'm online
I wonder if you think about messaging me
about apologizing for the emotional turmoil you put me through
or do you go on facebook hoping to talk to him
because you don't care if you caused me more pain
maybe I have been selfish in my life
but I have never hurt someone like you hurt me
you were supposed to be my friend
but I was naive
a child like you is fickle
changing her mind with the wind
I wonder if you hate me as much as I hate you
I wonder if you think about punching me as much as I think about punching you
I don't like cursing and yet I wish time and again to unload every dirty word I've ever heard in your face
I wanna make you cry for all the times I've cried because of you
You're not all to blame
but you used me to get to him and that hurt me more
silly me thinking I had a friend in you
you only saw me as a means to an end
yet you pretended to be so sorry for hurting me..
for his benefit thinking he was the only one to see and to think I actually forgave you

I hate you
and I wish I could stop
I wish you could mean as little to me as I do to you

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