Blood is Thicker than Water

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Hay..Hay...Hay im Ashanti NIcole Johnson AkA Shanti I am 17 light skin with long hair. I am black, white, and Dominican.  Yas i am a bad bitch but believe it or not i am ver shy, and quiet but please do not let the pretty face , the quiet and shyness fool you because I will act a fool if need be Just saying. No I can't beat everybody but im never the one to back down. I love my family which always come first . I will fight for my brother and sister if a hoe wanna get hype with one of them best believe ima be their waiting for the hoe to jump. Not a problem starter . My dress and shoe game is A1 and unfortunatly I have a boy friend. You'll find out more about me through out the book. Speaking of siblinds my sister is up next.

Whats up im Zaria Rene Johnson AKA Aria I am Also 17 me and my sister are ten months apart so were the same age ffor about two months. I am also mixed with Black, White, and Dominican. I am light skin long hair as well and one deep ass dimple. Im not shy nor Quiet . I am a peoples person so u wanna meat new people u gotta talk. my FAm is everything to me and I look up to my big brother. I am not a problem starter but u start something ima be the one to finish it and my sister is never gonna jump in unless you try and jump me. My dress and shoe game is A1 as well. I am #TeamSingle am I not now. Speaking of my big headed brother he's next.

So IM X'Zavier La'Mar Johnson AKA Zay or MAr by my lil sisters. I Am 19 mixed with the samething as my sister because we have the same mom and dad. I am a layed back person not with the bullshidd and neither are my sisters.  I love shoes we'll we all do but hay. I HAve a deep as dimple on the right side and one ear pierced. Not a player but I do kknow the diffrence between a lady and a hoe and I also know how to treat both. I am also #TeamSingle and looking. I handsome if do say so myself with swag that is to die for. I will never put my hands on a lady or hoe or if I gotta problem I got lil sisters that will handle it.

I'm Naveya carmela Smith AKA Veya . I am mixed with Porta Rican, Black, White, and Dominican. I am lightskin tatted on both arms thick Asf with blond hair. I love shoes well I love the mall period. Shantie is my best-friend and Aria is my Day 1. I am a very simple person layed back, dont fuck with drama , and a peoples person. I don't really care what you bitches have to say cause at the end of the day u don't really matter. You'll find out more about me throughout the book. 

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