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"Hey Boss? I have a problem."

"How can I help you?" Jin says, giving him a look that says 'this better be important'.

"Well, there's this one person who I like..very much."

"Oh, really?" Jin's expression is nonchalant.

"Yeah. But I don't think he likes me."

"Why not?"

"Well, he never really tells me about this feelings. Its hard to decipher him sometimes." Jungkook peered closely to look at Jin's reaction. Still nothing.

"I see. Have you talked about it to him yet?"

"Well..there was this once time.."

"And what did he say?"

"I don't know. What do you say?"

 Jin takes a sharp inhale. "What do you mean?" Jin hoped this was some sort of joke.

"You asked me what my crush said, so..what do you say?"

"Jungkook, are you kiddi-"

"I'm not. I really love you Boss. We've accomplished so much together, I decided that I want us to be together..forever."

"Jungkook, such relationship cant be established between us."

"Why not? I know you have some feelings for me, at the least."

Jin paused. "I do. It's just that your jobs are very dangerous, and we could be killed at any day. I don't want to feel so much pain because-"

"Do you want to quit?"

"No, I like this job. It's just the situation we're in is very difficult."

"Well, we'll die eventually. Do you really want to die with regrets?"


"Is it so hard to love me? It's fine, just..just reject me."

"I told you I so love you. It's just that..are you sure you'll be ok if one of us die first?"

"We won't die." Jungkook says firmly, although he knows the stakes were high.

Jin sighs. "Just...let me think about this."

"But Boss..when you were joking about our marriage, were you really joking? I thought your jokes meant something..something romantic."

"The jokes were mixed-signals, really. I wanted to joke around, to see your expression. But I was kind of serious. Why?"

Jungkook smiles. "I'm glad that you weren't playing with my heart."

Jin smiles slightly, but Jungkook's heart speeds up just like anytime before . 

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