Chapter 16 - Everyone Sleeps In Pajamas

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"Do you think of me when we're apart?" The smooth, rich timbre of his voice could lull her to sleep, or in this case, just as easily lightly fan her flames with his gentle nature rousing her into a steamy sequence of moves. What he really wanted to ask was, 'Do you think of me when you're with him?' But he didn't want to possibly upset her and ruin their evening.

With lips so close she sighed taking in his every pretty feature. "Gaaaawd you're making my life hell." Confessing it didn't make her feel any better, although it did permit Prince to know he had a hold on her. It remained to be seen if it was strong enough to permanently pull her away from Clive.

"Aw no baby. Come over to my side, be in heaven with me." Compelling her to reconsider with a ready to please simper. He wanted to crouch down so badly but his pain wouldn't allow him to kneel at her feet. Prince knew she was his queen, his protector, like in a game of chess; however, the pills he took in the bathroom hadn't kicked in yet.

Easing himself down next to her on the bed they were thigh to thigh, knee to knee.

" you know how I see you?" Shaking her head no with those doe eyes was like a love potion and he was ready to drink her.

"You're my queen." He huffed into his next sentence. "It's like chess, you protect the king. God I wanna show you how appreciative I am for your cooking and care today."

"Sssh please." Flushed with his attention she wondered how anyone resisted him.

"No shushing. Do you think of me? Don't even think of lying because you know damn well what we're like everytime we're together. There's no use trying to deny it anymore. Tell me how you feel when you're with me."

Prince smoothed his hand over hers as she began to speak. "What we're doing... We constantly sway back and forth between a physical and an emotional affair...sometimes both. Yet...there's something godly about us when we're together..."

"Oh yes godly...yes I feel it too. I just wanna to venerate're a gift from God to me I just know it."

"Yet it's not right..." She shared with a lack of confidence and startled when his voice raised. Swiftly interrupting her he wasn't about to listen to her. "What was all that? Hmmm? I didn't ask you to pass your crazy judgement on what is happening between us. I asked you to tell me how you feel."

Sabine vacantly stared at her shoes like she was just scolded by her father. Trying to focus, she debated with herself about articulating the truth because once she shared her true feelings, it was out there, he would be like a vulture on roadkill with the information.

He would be relentless and never stop pursuing her.

"I need you to promise me something." With a gulp she tried to swallow saliva that was almost non existent in her mouth. Turning her face to his, she could feel the heat of his skin, he was that near and dizzily she could feel him edging closer and closer. Instinctively like only a couple knows, she tried to lick her lips at the sight of his ready to devour hers.

"What?" Inquiring intently, he watched her longingly as she tried to control her desires.

"Promise me first." Now she begged him to comply.

Chuckling seductively, "I can't just give you a blanket yes without knowing what it is."

While she glared at him, her eyes quickly softened with his warm smile that melted her heart. "You can't take advantage of the information I share with you." She dictated.

Right quick and with a wry smile he replied. "You were right to ask but you know I can't promise you that."

Her hands brushed along her thighs trying to dry her sweaty palms. Her engagement ring shared flashes of brilliant white light with every stroke.

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