Chapter 5

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Shoutout to Authors_delusion.

This is gonna be a much.... much longer chapter, at least I think. Hope you all enjoy and all cred goes to the one and only amazing Veronica Roth!!

He puts a hand up to my cheek. Tears continue to fill his glassy eyes. "Please..." He begs. "Tell me you... That you remember me. I love you."

For some strange reason I feel like I can trust him. His touch sends electric sparks fllowing throuhgh my whole body. I never want him to let go of me. Never.

"I'm sorry... No... Apparently I've missed... 5 years?" I say cautiously.

He looks down. Whats the last thing you remember?" He mumbles.

"Coming home from the test. The day before chosing."I say in a voice that doesnt belong to me.

He quickly stands up and punches the wall. "Damn!!! One more day! If you remembered one more day!!!" He yells and punches the wall again. I see the red blood color rushing through his face with anger and I think...... A mix of loss and heartache. I see Zeke run over to him to calm him down.

"Four! Four! Calm down!! Stop!!" Zeke yells and pulls him from the wall. I see all the girls and the rest of the boys look at him with sadness. Not with horror like any normal person would. But I guess some people would say we aren't normal. We're Dauntless... We're used to seeing people in pain.

"Just because she doesn't remember right now," Zeke continues. "doesnt mean she wont ever.... Maybe you could help her remember and if not, just make her fall in love with you again." He reassures him and puts a hand on his back.

Shauna runs back in with a wet towel. I hadn' even notice her leave. She hands it to me and then looks over to Zeke. I can't tell exactly what her expression says but obviously Zeke does because he nods in understandment.

"C'mon everyone. Let's give them some time." Zeke says and opens the door for everyone to leave.

I nod a thank you you to everyone and then once the door closes I turn to Four. "Come here..." I say and pat the bed nervously.

"Huh?" He asks, then understands and comes to sit.

I take his hand and look at his knuckles. They're bleeding. Who knew I could have such a big affect on anyone?

I keep looking down and then begin to touch the wet dripping cloth to his knuckles and he winces then quickly puts his hand on top of mine. I feel a rush of electricity and dare to look up and thats when, our eyes meet.






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