Pt. 3 - What happened?

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"What happened last night? and why am I here?" was all I could get out. "Yeah we should probably catch you up," Chance says.

My head was still in pain it didn't help that my brain practically blew up at the sight of all the boys standing in front of me.  "come on sit here." Michael helped me to the couch and I sat down everyone else followed taking a seat somewhere.
"So uhm, whats your name?" Brady asks as he sits on the opposite couch of me.
"Uhm my name is Aria," I say touching the back  of my head, I felt a bump, "Why is there a bump on the back of my head?"

"Oh yeah, we're guessing you fell," Drew says to me.
"Okay so I fell and you all just decide to bring me here?" I ask in disbelief at the fact that I'm actually here.
"well we took you to a hospital first" Chance hands me a piece of paper confirming that they did indeed take me to a hospital.
"The doctor said you have a concussion and should be looked after so we brought you here," Michael fills me in on what the doctor said "So you should probably take it easy," Michael continues I laugh slightly.
"What's so funny?" Sergio looks at me confused. "This isn't my first concussion, actually it's my third,"  I tell him. "Wow! your third concussion!?" Sergio exclaims I laugh again. "Yup my mom always said I was accident prone, Guess she was right." I chuckle.

"So Aria do you have anyone you can call Mom, Dad, friend, Boyfriend?" Chance asks politely.
"My parents are back home in Wisconsin, I don't have a boyfriend, but I moved here with my best friend I can call her," I tell them "I just... Where's my bag?" I ask looking around the room for my bag.
"Oh it's over here" Brady gets up to grab my bag "Michael didn't want anyone to go through your personal stuff so he put it in the closet," Brady tells me as he hands me my bag. Michael looks at Brady "Because people shouldn't go through other people stuff Brady." Michael defends himself, I could feel my cheeks getting red I couldn't help from smiling "It's okay, Thank you, Michael, that was very sweet." I look into his eyes for a second before grabbing my phone from my bag, I find Tahlia's number and step outside to call her:

Tahlia picks up the phone "Aria where are you?" she shouts so loud I have to move the phone from my ear for a second.

"I'm okay I promise" I reassure her.

I hear her sigh on the other end of the call "Okay that's good but that still doesn't answer my question, Where the hell are you?"

"Well your never going to believe where I am" 

"Just tell me where you are" She replies impatiently I can tell she's getting annoyed with me.

"Okay okay, I'm at Chance, Michael, Drew, Sergio, and Brady's house..." I tell Tahlia and wait for a response.

"Uh, Tahlia?" 

"I'm here, Did you just say what I think you just said?" Tahlia calmly asks

"What do you think I just said" 

"Are you really at their house?" Tahlia asks.

"Yeah, I really am." I laugh 

"Okay um text me the address and I'll come get you" 

"Okay" I stick my head back inside the house "Hey uhm whats your address?" I ask anyone that hears me. "It's #&^9#&^!(*&%^÷≠+" I hear Drews voice telling me the address. "Thanks!" I shout back.

"Was that Drew?" Tahlia asks I can her smiling over the phone.

"Yeah," I tell her calmly. "Okay I just sent you the address"

"I got, Okay I should be there in about an hour, hang tight" She hangs up the phone.

I walk back into the house and sit on the couch "Hey you hungry?" I turn my head to see Sergio standing in the doorway to the kitchen "Michael made eggs if you are" He tells me. "Uhm yeah sure" I stand up and follow Sergio to the kitchen he hands me a plate and I scoop some eggs onto it, I sit at their table across from Michael who is writing in his notebook again
"Do you want some orange juice with your eggs?" Michael looks up from writing in his notebook.
"Huh?" I blink not registering the question.
"I asked if you wanted some orange juice with your eggs, Its in the fridge" He repeats.
"Oh uhm yeah why not" I walk to the fridge to grab the orange juice.
"I'll get you a cup," Michael says opening a cupboard "Here you go" He places the cup next to my plate. "Thanks" I pour some orange juice in the cup then put the rest back in the fridge. "If you don't mind my asking what are you writing?" I ask Michael as I sit down again.
"Oh just working on a new song but I'm kind of stuck." He gives an uneasy sigh.
"well I'm sure you'll get unstuck and the song will be amazing" I smile and take a bite of my eggs. "Thanks, Aria."

After I finish my eggs I put the dishes in the sink, and walk in their backyard, It's gorgeous they have such a beautiful view suddenly I hear something in the distance I look to my right to see Drew and Chance on what seems to be a trampoline I walk over and say hi. "Hey, Aria" Drew says as he does a backflip "Wanna jump with us?" He asks.
"I don't think that's such a good idea with my concussion," I smile and take a seat on one of the chairs.
"Oh, you're probably right, sorry." He says as he continues to jump.
"No problem" I watch them jump around for the next few minutes until they get out. 

"Well, that's enough jumping for me" Chance makes his way to back inside the house with Drew, I follow along making my way to the living room where I see Brady playing a Harry Potter game on an Xbox.

"Are you playing a Harry Potter game?" I asked sitting next to him. "Yeah, you wanna play?" He asks handing me a game controller. 

"Is that even a question" I laugh taking the controller in my hands. for the next half hour we all just talked with each other and took turns playing the game.

Suddenly the doorbell rings "I'll get it" Drew says opening the front door, "you must be Tahlia," 

"Uh yeah, I'm looking for my friend Aria" She follows drew inside."She's in the bathroom," Brady Tells Tahlia.

I'm walking back into the living room when suddenly I'm attacked by a hug moments later when I realize that it's Tahlia I hug her back.
"I was so worried I almost called the police!" Tahlia exaggerates as she pulls out of our hug.
"I'm fine Tahlia I was well taken care of" I smile.
"Okay well, I guess we should go then," Tahlia heads for the door and I slowly follow her.
"Wait! Aria before you leave" I turn around at the sound of Michael's voice. He hands me a piece of paper. "Call or text so we know you're okay?"

"Sure" I reply with a smile taking the paper. I make my way out the door when I hear one of the boys say "Smooth Michael" in a mocking tone. I laughed slightly and got in the passenger side of my Jeep.

"Did that really just happen?" Tahlia asks in amazement.

"Yeah, I think it did"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2018 ⏰

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