Chapter Four

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Fionna's P. O. V.

The vampire just hugged me. It kind of made me feel warm inside. WHAT AM I SAYING. I AM SUPPOSED TO KILL A VAMPIRE. Ugh. But I can't help but feel something for this one. Whatever. As long as dad doesn't know I have him here we are fine. "Listen vampire. Don't go into this room or else you will burn at the stake. Got it." He nodded.

After his tour I went back to the village. "Fionna, dad was looking for you. Where were you?" Finn asked. Finn was my younger brother by a day, so technically we are still twins. "I was out." We walked to our house (it is really a mansion but whatever). We went to our father's study and saw three guys. "Oh Fionna, you're here. You are probably wondering who these three gentle man are. They will be here while I will be gone for a few months. Be good. Love you both," my dad said and left us in his study with these guys. "Who are you and why are you here." "Fionna. Please excuse her for her attitude. I'm Finn and this is my twin sister, Fionna," Finn said. "All is forgiven. I am Prince Bradley Gumball and this is Prince Johnathan Flame (flame prince) and this is Prince Lawrence Smith (LSP)," one of them said with a kind smile that made me blush a little. I looked at them for a while.

Bradley had pink everything in clothes, strawberry blonde hair, and was built like he can fight but probably thinks it is improper. Blah *disgust face*. Flame looked like he had that bad boy vibe with his maroon leather jacket and ripped jeans but still had something that showed he was a prince. Not bad a bad impression in my books. Now the one that will annoy the hell out of me. Lawrence had PURPLE everything with a few gold stars here and there and had a voice that sounded like nails on a chalkboard. He kept flirting with every girl he saw. Womanizer. "I'll show you your rooms but keep him *points to Lsp* away from me." They nodded in agreement while Smith looked offended. Luckily Michelle and her team had their rooms ready. Gumball had a pink room. Flame had a red and orange room. Lawrence got a purple room with a few gold stars. Princes, spoiled to the bone. Marshall was a king but was perfectly fine with a small house and had nothing but the clothes on his back.

I went to my room and wrote in my journal. I write to my mom cause I know it will be easier for me to cope.

Dear mom,

Everything to me has changed. My body started to grow into itself so I am no longer flat and fat. The training dad gave me has helped a little. I learned I am really good with knives and swords. Dad hired Michelle and her team to help keep the feminine touch around here but is failing deeply. Pen left a few months ago but sends us letters. He is doing fine he says and is helping a lot of people. Three guests just arrived at the house but in the village.....a vampire showed up and I didn't kill it like I vowed to do after you died. Dad will probably think I am weak for going behind my word but I just can't do it. He is the king of vampires and killed the one that killed you. I don't know what to do. Also when I am around him I feel funny in my stomach. Sometimes I really wish you were back and could explain this to me. Well I got everything I wanted off of my chest. I will never forget you mom.

Love, Fionna

I set my journal down for dinner. Finn and I sat at our usual seats with the princes across from us. "Fionna. Finn. Another letter from Pen," Michelle said. I ran and grabbed it from her hands. It said he will be coming home soon and has a surprise for us. I smiled so big, my cheeks hurt. "What does it say," Finn asked. "He's coming home." I gave Finn a huge hug. We ate and then I went to Marshall's and told him.

Fionna and Marshall LeeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang