Chapter One: I'll Come back Someday, Please Don't Cry

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Chapter One: I'll Come back Someday, So Please Don't Cry

Shizune watched as her childhood friend started to cry right in front of her. She hated seeing him like this. He cried easily, so she made sure to never make him cry, but this time it was all out of her control. She was moving away for a little while and she didn't know when she would return to her friend.

"Please don't cry Yukio. I'll come back someday and then we'll be together again. So please don't cry." Shizune patted Yukio Okumura on the head, trying to calm him down.

"B-but, why do you have to go? Why can't you just stay here with me and Rin? That would be alright, right father?" Yukio looked up to the man who raised him and his older twin brother, Father Shiro Fujimoto.

"Now Yukio, you can't ask Shizune to abandon her family and stay here. Yes, the two of you would be together, but do you think she'll really be happy being so far away from the people who love her?"

"B-but I love Shizune too!!" Yukio continued to cry. He didn't want his best friend to leave him and having the thought of never being able to see her again scared him.

Seeing her friend crying uncontrollably made Shizune feel guilty about having to leave. She took out her lucky coin she always carried with her for good luck that once belonged to her mother. Shizune placed it in between her hands and whispered a little prayer before carefully placing it in Yukio's hands. Yukio suddenly stopped crying as he looked up at Shizune.

"Sh-Shizune... this is..."

"I know, but I want you to hang on to it until I return. It's always brought me some good luck. Now it will do the same for you. Keep it safe, alright?"

Yukio nodded as he wiped the remaining tears from his eyes. Shizune wrapped Yukio in one last hug and when she saw Rin walking up to them she suddenly pulled him into the hug as well. She was good friends with both Okumura brothers, but it was Yukio who she was extremely close to. While saying her last good-byes to the Okumura brothers, her father was talking with Shiro Fujimoto about the plans of their travels.

"Where is it that the two of you will be going?" Fujimoto asked.

"We're heading to Germany, the place of my lovely Hannah's birth. May she watch over us from Heaven." Shizune's father, Father Chihiro Yukimuto looked up at the sky in memory of his deceased wife.

"That's right, your wife Hannah was from Germany. The two of you met on a mission while you were there."

"Yes. Shizune will be attending school there until my job is done. Then we'll be returning here, to Japan, once my job is done. Come Shizune, it's time for us to get going ."

Shizune looked back to her father with saddened eyes. About to walk over to her father she suddenly felt something pulling at her sleeve. Yukio still didn't want Shizune to go. With a sad smile she pushed back Yukio's bangs and softly kissed his forehead. Yukio's face turned a light pink as he touched the spot where Shizune had kissed him.

"It's a good luck charm as well. That kiss will keep you safe." Shizune said with a smile before leaving with her father.

It's now been six years since Shinze and her father left Japan to go to Germany. Everyday Shizune would write a sires of letters about her life in Germany and then send them to Yukio and Rin in Japan. In which she would get letters back from the two brothers. Even though they were so far away, they always found a way to talk to each other. Suddenly, one day, the letters stopped. At first she thought that maybe it was because Yukio and Rin just became busy, but after weeks turned into months of not hearing from them Shizune started to worry.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2018 ⏰

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