Chapter Four: Betrayal?

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I'm so sorry for not updating in so long! I got extremely bogged down with school and life got in the way. I'm going to try an  update more consistently from now on. I hope you all enjoy! (:


There he was, sitting in the exact same swing he had been the day we met, just staring at me. His eyes were so beautiful, it only made it hurt worse when he looked at me like that, like I'd betrayed him.

He was my best friend in the whole world and I had just dropped off the face of the Earth for the past 10 months... I could've easily called him and told him where I was, but that would've been too hard. I didn't want to talk about how my parents just left me in the middle of the night 10 months ago. I didn't want to tell him he was the only thing I thought about all that time, even though I should've been thinking of my parents and how things would be different. But the thing is, I just couldn't.

Dean meant everything to me, though I could never tell him. We were just kids, but that didn't stop me from loving him. I wanted to pick flowers for him and swing hand in hand. I wanted to feel his arms gently squeeze my waist. I wanted to stay up all night talking to him about everything. I wanted us to be friends, but I wanted  him to love me like I loved him.

After two years, though, Gabriel realised how I felt towards him, and he wouldn't stand for it. He kept me away from Dean for longer than necessary, and he told me that when I got back to school, I had better not even think about being friends with Dean anymore.

My family is extremely religious, and they all thought it unholy and sinful to feel such things towards someone of the same gender, so if anything ever happened between me and Dean, they would disown me. I'd get kicked out of the house, no matter how old I was, and they would never speak to me again.

So I guess I did betray Dean. I wanted so badly to just go over to him and explain everything to him and tell him how I felt, that I missed him every second I spent away, but I couldn't. It would be easier this way, if I just stopped talking to him. It would be better for both of us, that way he won't even want to be my friend anymore...

But I know if I walked over there right now, he would forgive me. We would be friends again, like nothing ever happened.

Tears began to form in my eyes. I let a single one slip down my cheek before I turned around. I tried to hold them back, but now that one escaped, they all flooded out.

I ran all the way home as the tears continued to stream down my face, and when I finally got there, I locked myself in my room and fell down on my bed. I didn't sleep that night, and no matter how hard I tried to stop crying, my eyes wouldn't comply until the sun had set and risen again. By then, it felt as if I had no tears left to cry.

(Still Cas' POV)

"What kind of music do you listen to?" Dean asked me without taking his eyes off the road.

"Heh... I don't really listen to music often," I replied awkwardly, though it wasn't true, but I didn't think Dean would like my classical music very much... or Elvis.

"Seriously?? Please tell me you've at least heard of Kansas."

"You mean the state?"

Dean sighed and rolled his eyes slightly. He then leaned across me, keeping one hand on the steering wheel and his eyes on the road, to pull out a... tape? from the glove box and insert it into the tape player.

Carry on my wayward son

there'll be peace when you are done

Lay your weary head to rest

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