At times

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At times I get angry at you,
For the tinest stuff,

At times I may yell at you,
For no reason at all,

At times you may find me difficult to deal with,
But please dont hesitate to ask me what's wrong,

At times I may not listen,
But we all have days like that,

Remember nobody is perfect,
But know this for sure,
No matter what life drags us through,
Ill be right by your side,
Till the day I die,

Ill never give up on you,
I will push you to follow your dreams,
And help you when times get tough,

I will wipe your tears away whenever your sad,
And assure you everything will be alright,

My heart belongs to you,
As your heart belongs to me,
And I swear to never break it,
Because when your upset,
So am I,

Our hearts and minds are connected,

One heart,
One mind,
One soul,
One life,

So let's have the best of times,
With one another.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2018 ⏰

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