Chapter 33

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Yuri was dreading school the next day. Not only did he have to confront Mila, but he would get both his algebra and Italian scores that Wednesday, and would scream even if he got over 80%. Getting a score like that over working his ass off? Yuri would not approve.

He barely managed to walk himself to Otabek's homeroom room when he found Mila, sitting in a corner and reading silently. Sara was next to her, telling her occasional jokes she found on Instagram. The redhead laughed without restraint – any person would think she was on top of the world. Yuri knew her, inside and out. Mila wasn't the type of girl to cry, show people her emotion – she was rock solid and never faltered.

The blonde first approached Otabek (who was thankfully talking to Yuuri opposite the room,) whispered something into his ear and pecked his cheek. Russian Yuri then strolled over to Mila, grabbed her wrist and pulled her outside and into the corridor.

'Mila, I'm sorry, I should've told you befo-'

'Yuri, it's okay.'

'Don't hide it Mila. I know who you are and what you're like, I went to the same ballet class as you fo-'

'No, really.'

Silence followed. Yuri just stared at her and immediately knew that she wasn't lying. 'What's up?'

'I think after Otabek turned me down, I didn't take it as badly as I should've. I felt guilty for not bursting out into tears. I told Sara everything – she said that bursting into tears wasn't me. When she rubbed my back, I felt it tingle.' Mila paused, staring blankly at the ceiling. 'I feel like...?'

'Sara? You really think she's for you?'

'Yeah. I mean, she's super sweet. She's had my back for as long as I can remember. The only problem is, how am I supposed to ask her out if number one, I only just realised that I'm bisexual and she doesn't even know that - and number two, we're best friends?!' Mila sunk to the floor, burying her face in her arms as she crouched. 'I need help.'

'Being best friends with the person you like isn't a big deal. You can be friends and girlfriends, it just means you can invade their personal bubble a little more than usual.' Yuri scoffed amusingly, and Mila laughed feebly in reply.

'How did you and Otabek do it so easily?'

'See, that's where you're wrong. Otabek and I never really started out as friends at all. We both knew we had crushes on each other. We even knew about each other's feelings, we just never spoke about it. We flirted without confirming anything, it was basically just a shy approach to dating.'

'That's so cool. I would never be able to do it.'

'Your situation is different. Otabek's my best friend and boyfriend. He's also my best friend because he came for me when I needed it. He was the first one to accept me.' Yuri smiled, before placing a hand on Mila's shoulder and joining her on the floor. 'If I'm correct, Sara did the same for you in kindergarten. That's a reason, right?'

'Y-Yeah. I guess. You need to help me, Yuri!'

'What's this, the old hag is asking for help from the fairy?'

'Anything! I may be all playful and impenetrable on the outside, but relationships aren't my thing!'

'Says the one who tried to steal my boyfriend.'


'Okay, okay, I'll help. But if you two end up dating, you owe me knew pointe shoes.'

'Done.' The two shook hands, before it was time for Yuri to depart for registration.

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