Chapter 17

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~48 hours later (2 days if you don't do math.) ~ PLEASE READ AUTHORS NOTE AT THE END !!

~Harry's P.O.V~

"Harry, you need to get up." tone groans."no" I mumble around the pillow my face is currently planted in. "Harry it's been two days." She sighs. "Yeah ! Two days without so much as a glance, Tone. He hates me." I lift my head. "You'll never know until you explain." She tells me. "Explain what ?"

"You're the one who blew up on everyone and I'm pretty sure he thinks I'm your girlfriend." I scoff at that. "Girlfriend ? He knows I love him."

"Well go talk to him." She suggests. "No, well not yet. It needs to be perfect. " it was quiet for about 5 minutes and I concluded that Tone had left, but, I was mistaken when she spoke up.

"Okay, here's my idea then."

"I don't wanna do anything Tone. Leave me here to sulk about my life." I grown into the pillow.

~ Liam's P.O.V~

"Liam ?" My head snaps up from Niall's sleeping body to the door. "What Harry ?" I roll my eyes. He shyly smiles and walks to me. "I'm really sorry about shouting at you and Niall earlier. I really am and I know I was totally out of line. Can you maybe forgive me, please ?" Harry begs. "Have you apologized to Zayn yet ?" I ignore his question. He nods and I look down. "I don't care that you yelled at me, Harry. But you made my Niall cry and that's why I wanna beat you into a pulp. But I'm not going to." Mostly because he could break me in one punch. "Right. Well I'm sorry, if you excuse me I need to go talk to Tone and Noah. " Harry dismisses himself. I look down at Niall and smile. "I love you. I will marry you one day." I mumble to his sleeping figure. I really hope this shit gets sorted out and quick.

~Harry's P.O.V~

"Harry just go talk to him !" Noah and Tone push me forward. We were currently standing outside Louis' room. "No. He hates me !" I argue back. "Grow a pair and go get your man !" Tone whisper- shouts. Her and Noah have became best friends and honestly I just wanna strangle them. "Go !" Noah moves her hands toward the closed door.

"I'm going ! Don't get your thong in a twist ! "

I knock on the door lightly waiting for Louis to open the door. "Who is it ?" The angelic voice of Louis Tomlinson flows through my ears. "Hey, it's me. Can we talk ?" I ask through the door. He stays quiet after that and I look to Tone for help. She nods at the door and glares at me. They slowly back up until its only me, Louis, and a door in between us.

The door unlocks and slowly opens. Louis' face comes into view and Right then and there I realize what could have happened. He could be gone. I'd never see his face again. Hear his laugh. See his beautiful smile. Feel his soft touch. His warm hug. The love of my entire life could have been gone and it's my fault. It's all my fault.

His blue eyes stare at me from behind the door, like he was to afraid to come out. "Haz, why are you up here ?" The nickname rolls off his tongue so smoothly that I have to hold my coo in. "Hi." I whisper. "Can I come in ?" I ask. He pulls the door back slowly but moves aside so I can walk in. "How are you ?" I ask him after he shuts the door. "I'm good. How are you ?" I gently grab his hand and lead him to the bed. "We need to talk."

"About what, Harry ?" He shrugs. "You, me, us." I stare, waiting for a response. "What about us ? There is no us, Harry." Louis chuckles. "What ?" The tears sting at my eyes, wanting a release. " I have Dane, my boyfriend. I don't need you. Besides, you have Tone. " He laughs. "Um, no ?' I argue.

"Oh wait ! You also have Noah, now. I forgot the manwhores always got to have one main and one side bitch. Silly me."

Ouch. That hurt. Like a lot.

"Lou ? Why are you saying all this ? " I ask, the tears already spilling over. "Because you wanted to talk. This is how I feel." He rolls his eyes at me like I'm nothing to him. "So those I love you's and all the hugs and touches meant nothing to you ? It was all just part of a game ?" I whisper, to scare to use my voice. " Exactly ' now you're getting it, Harry !" I squeak, my voice turning raw. My throat becoming dry. "Harry." I close my eyes shut not wanting any part of this anymore.

"Harry ?"

"HAZ !"

I open them and Louis eyes my suspiciously. "Are you okay, Harry ?" He questions. "What ?" I whisper more to myself than Louis. "You zoned out for like five minutes. Are you okay ?"

Relief floods my entire body when I realize I just imagined all of that.

"I need to go." I stand and quickly remove myself from the room. I took cover in the safety of my own bedroom until my eyes became heavy and sleep overtook me.

I have no excuse for not updating. I'm so sorry !! Thank you for not unfollowing !!!!!! You have no idea how excited I am to write the next chapter. I have had the ending in my head since chapter 2 and I can't wait. There will be one more chapter than an epilogue. Thanks for reading !!! I swear I will update by Friday. Maybe Saturday. Or sooner. Idk but the next chapter will be fairly long. Sorry about the shortness. Bye !!

Without you. (Larry Stylinson.) AUTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang