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DION KOM LOUWODA KLIRON KRU lived with her family in a small clan hidden in the valley, far away from the chaos that is the mountain men and the cruel politics of polis. her clan was an isolated, peaceful and independent one, which made it much easier for them to keep secrets. such secrets as a natblida child hidden in their midst, but secrets like that cannot be kept forever, word spreads fast and the punishment for hiding natblida's is just as gruesome as the punishments for treason or murder.

at the ripe young age of seven dion was playing with the other kid's of the clan after lessons like any normal day. she was rough-housing with a friend of hers, leena, when she split her lip. the young girls had both stopped dead in their tracks when the dark blood began to ooze out of dion's mouth.

"NATBLIDA!" the girl screeched, "she is a natblida!" leena stumbled away from dion's frightened figure. dion hastily wiped the blood off of her lip as she rushed up off of the ground. head's were beginning to turn straight towards her and dion was panicking. she needed to find her ai ba, but what if he becomes angry with her too, she made a promise to him and to her ai ma, how could she be so stupid, so careless. she had ruined everything, she knows what will happen to ai ma and ai ba because of her stupidity, they will be killed for hiding her.

the young girl now standing in the center of her camp with all eyes on her looked around frantically, hoping and praying to spot the familiar faces of her parents somewhere in the crowd. but she had no luck, suddenly multiple pairs of hands had seized her all at once. pulling at her arms and legs, she kicked and punched and cried for them to stop, just stop but they didn't listen, they yanked and pulled at the young girl mercilessly. "NO! PLEASE! DONT SEND ME AWAY! LET ME STAY HERE! PLEASE" she screamed until her voice was hoarse and she felt as if she could cough up blood, the same stupid blood that got her into this nightmare.

finally they tossed her into the camp's makeshift prison, she tumbled to the ground violently but that didn't stop the young girl from jumping up and running to the bars of the prison. "AI MA! AI BA!" she screamed and cried for hours.


more than eight nights had passed since dion's people threw her into this little prison. they fed her accordingly and did not even think of harming her, they sent four riders to polis to alert the commander immediately after they locked her up. dion had begged to see her parents every time someone had come to her cell, but there was no use, the more time that passed the more she knew deep-down that her parents had either fled or been slaughtered by her clan in the most gruesome way possible.

on what she believed to be the tenth day the riders had finally returned with the commander, she knew that whatever childhood she could've had was gone. she was going to endure everything her parents had tried to shield her from. the commander would kidnap her and bring her to polis to be trained with the other unfortunate natblida children. she would be forced to fight for her life every single day.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2019 ⏰

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