What Happen

162 13 8

Draco's POV

After period 2 i got a note from mum stating that my dad went to Azkaban, i was to sad so i decided to skip the day off and just sleep, i really don't want to see my friends. Now I just finished writing a note to my dad. He is in Azkaban because after Voldemort died he started killing innocent mudbloods. It is sad for me. Even though I hate Mudbloods I still don't want my dad to kill random people. I saw to much people dead. This year I just want a carefree and happy life. Not I really need to look for the Granger girl I don't know where she was.  It's hard to believe she might forget to do her night shift when she loves to be a Head Girl.  I knocked on the door for her to come out no answer mabey she was already asleep. I decided to do my shift alone for tonight, I don't even want to face her again. When I am with my friends I call her Mudblood but I don't anymore...

While I was walking down to the Slytherin dormitories I saw Pansy, Goyle and Blaise walking away from the room of requirements. Now at 3 A.M what is wrong with them. What were they doing. I wanted to ask them tomorrow. I wanted to tell them off but I thought we might lose points for that and I hated that. I was curious what was in that room so I turned the door slightly ajar and I could not believe what I saw.  Granger...

Sorry 4 short Chapter-

😱-Cliffhanger- What happens next and Why?

   Would Draco help Hermione or Curse her? 👻💥💥

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2018 ⏰

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