Chantaje (edited)

120 10 67


Rosa sipped the tea quietly by herself.

It was a sunny day in Florida, no sign of clouds anywhere, and Ft. Lauderdale airport was quite packed like usual. Rosa's flight was due to leave in an hour, but she needed to get through security first.

Oh, those TSA pricks! Their 'random' checks were not so random. Each time she went through security, the TSA made sure to inspect her personally.

She could blame it on the fact that she was an unaccompanied female, however as there were female TSA agents, that was not the case.

It was her name. Specifically, her ethnicity. Mexican. Rosa had to be checked for anything illegal.

Oh well, she thought while gathering up her belongings.

What's a girl to do?


Across the airport, he searched for the suspect that got away with 5 million dollars in drug money.

The DEA office had finally caught a lead for the criminal that robbed one of their fortified trucks in California carrying recently obtained drug money to be used in a trial in the States against a bad narco who controlled part of trafficking network of cocaine that slipped into the Southeastern US and parts of the Caribbean from Mexico.

There was only one obstacle in his way. A female criminal by the name of Sofia Cortez.

They had her name.

All they needed was a face to match with it.


"Excuse me, miss. We will have to see your passport again," the TSA lady asked.

If Rosa was irritated, it was more so for the fact that they were currently delaying her arrival to Gate 1B where the American Airlines Flight would take off from. The plane would not wait for her as the pilot probably had a busy schedule lined up for the day.

I should have really woken up when my alarm rang, she chided herself.

Retrieving her passport from her purse yet again, she handed it to the TSA lady sporting a name tag with the last name Jones  on it, and proceeded to look around the airport whils waiting for the lady to clear her.

"Ma'am, I'm afraid that you'll have to be asked a few questions by a federal agent regarding your passport," she mentioned after a few moments of looking carefully at the passport.

"I'm a US Citizen. I did not do anything wrong and you're going to detain me unlawfully?", she remarked once she sat down at a bench near the Security Check, and then sighed audibly.

"And we're going to have to pat you down so...", Ms. Jones told her.

Standing up abruptly, she headed towards another TSA officer.

Like she had predicted, they could not let her go one trip without the pat-down.

"Alright, you're clean. Follow me and I'll lead you to an agent who will question you."

Having already stood up, she proceeded to follow Ms. Jones while dreading going into an interrogation room. In reality, she had nothing to worry about as she had nothing to hide, but her gut instinct told her otherwise.

What if Homeland Security doesn't clear me? As her mind started to go 'round in circles with different scenarios that could possibly happen, there was one thought that scared her the most.

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