The Boy

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"What the hell?" Jack screamed.
"I'm so tired of you screaming Jack." I said. " I don't think he sees us."

                The little boy walked over to a rock and threw it in the water. He seemed confident and giggled when it hit the water. He turned around to reveal an island. "Momma, momma" he said. We watched in awe. His mom didn't come. He walked over to a half decomposed body. Flies and maggots. The whole nine yards. He looked really skinny and only about a year old. There's no way he can survive on his own. Jack reached out to touch what was happening in front of us. His hand went right through it. What we were seeing was somewhat holographic. I stuck my hand in as well. We both looked at one another.

"Make it go away." He said. "I don't know how" I replied. "Say that P word." He said.
"Phaedonem" I said thinking about it going away. It went away. So simple. "Now can we talk about the foot thing" he said.
"Fine. So I was running after you and my foot landed on the sharp shell. Then it was bleeding like crazy, but the only thing I could think about was Phaedonem. I didn't know what else to think about. Over and over and over again. Then I was thinking about my foot hurting so bad. Jack, that word has so much power. That's the reason the boy appeared. I kept thinking about and then I said the word." I said.
"We need to find out what that means and why it only works when you say it."

"A great time for google, right?......The paper-cut!!! It was the paper-cut."

"A paper cut?"

"Yes! Total movie logic. I got a paper-cut from magical paper, in a magical bottle, that we miraculously found."

"Yeah, makes since, I guess... So I'm going to just partially think about reality based reasoning. I'm open minded" he began to babble.

       We ran to the desktop and searched it. "Okay. So it's Latin. It says Phaedo (disciple of Socrates, friend of Plato, founder of school at Elis)..." says Jack. "So google that" I said. 

"It keeps going back to Greece. Plato, to be exact."

"Well what does that mean?

"I have no clue"

"Okay. Just brainstorming Plato is the guy what talks about a mythical island right?"

"Yeah. What is it called?..... Atlantis?"

"Oh yeah! The boy is on an island. Google that."

          Jack googled it. Nothing really appeared. "It keeps talking about Plato's works. Timaeus and Critias. What the hell is that?" Jack said. "Move over," I said as I began to translate, "Timaeus and Critias translated to Latin is Phaedonem."

"I'm guessing that was a hint. Not to these particular works, but to Plato." Jack said.

"Exactly. Think about it. This kid is one year old. There's no way he's alive on his own, on a deserted island....unless it's secretly Atlantis, with merpeople and talking sharks...."

"I wish you were kidding, but seeing the way stuff magically appears after saying Phaedonem isn't making me doubt."

"We have to find a way to get there"

"I really hate how we aren't questioning this the way we should."

"What more is there to ask about? I mean, I know this is crazy and if we tell anyone, they'd think we are insane." I said turning towards Jack and poking his nose.

"Time for project save the boy" I said in a very spy-like manner and making fake guns with my hands.

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