A Day in the Lab

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I'm going to be in so much trouble when daddy finds out what I did. I was spending my dad just like any 8 year old would on summer vacation. I sat at home played with my toys and video games and went outside. But than something really weird happened. As I was searching my room for the new game I had gotten for my birthday something had drawn me towards daddy's lab which was Strictly off limits to me and was always locked. But for some reason today the door was unlocked and daddy wasn't home. I decided to go down and see what was so secret that I was not allowed down there. As I got down the stairs I was an odd looking machine sitting on the table. It looked so cool I decided to play with it. There was a dial on it that had numbers on it so I turned it 23 when all of a sudden I saw a bright light. When the light faded away something didn't feel right. I felt taller and slimmer than it was 10 minutes ago. I also was not wearing any clothes except a pair of boxers which was odd because I was wearing my favorite shirt and shorts today. I also felt stronger and more powerful. I went back upstairs to go see what was wrong. When I got to my room and looked in the mirror I didn't see me looking back at myself but a grown man in my place. I had huge biceps, pecks, and a huge cock. As I put back on my boxer I saw daddy's car pull into the drive way. I was so scared that he was going to be mad at me but he liked having another adult around the house. I wish I was a kid again but this is so much better than going to school. He said he would try and fix the machine as quick as he can but he said it looks like it can't be fixed. I don't care but that I lost my childhood but for some reason I feel like daddy left the lab open on purpose.

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