n a i n t i n

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"Why did you follow me there?" I ask Jinyoung while walking back to the table.

"You know.. I'm afraid a crazy fan would come to you, acting wildly inappropriate to you. You should be protected. No one can touch Seorin other than me.." He explains, sitting on his seat quickly.

"He cares about me a lot. My heart opens up a bit. Maybe soon I will forgive him fully." I mumble.

• • •


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Liked by minjoo__, seo.hyukkk, kang__yeonju and 67,380 others.

seo.seorin23     Thank you for paying our meal today #deepdarkguy

Just now. See translation.

View other 57,999 comments.
seo.hyukkk     Having fun with him? Don't you miss me Seorin 😭😭 You handsome brother
           seo.seorin23     @seo.hyukkk   ofc I miss 😭😭
           seo.hyukkk     @seo.seorin23  guess where I
                                         am? And with who? 😏😏
           seo.seorin23     @seo.hyukkk   why should I 😂
           minjoo__    @seo.seorin23   Don't you miss
                                    me 😭😭 I'm with him always
                                    because he said I'm truly same
                                    like you. Sometimes it's hard to
                                    focus on my cello lesson because
                                    of him 😑😑
            seo.hyukkk     @minjoo__    Idc 😛😛



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Liked by kangdanikang, optimushwang, jaehwan0527 and 300,219 others.

bbae.jy     Is the thing on her head is cuter or the face below? 💁

10 minutes ago. See translation.

View other 264,718 comments.
davidhwi     Hyung~ Aren't I cute enough? 😣
          --- View other 30,029 replies.
          wannawon    @davidhwi   Yes you're cute Hwi
          baebae.jy     @davidhwi   Of course our cutie
                                     Daehwi 😚😚

- - -

The time passed six o'clock. The sky already dark and the street lights start to light up, shining the park. Jihoon brought us here as he said there'll be a firework show.

All of us sit on the bench, looking at the sky. "Hyung~ when will the show start? I want to use the toilet." Guanlin stands up, searching for the washroom.

"I'll accompany you.. Urm, Jinyoung please take care of Seorin." Jihoon advises Jinyoung who quickly sits next to me, smiling.

"Yes, sir!" He salutes Jihoon happily.

After Jihoon and Guanlin left, the situation becomes silent. I keep looking at my phone and ignore all Jinyoung's questions. Suddenly, a girl stands in front of Jinyoung, smiling brightly. "... Are you Wanna One Bae Jinyoung? Can noona take selca with you?" She asks Jinyoung who is looking around.

"Of course. Noona looks beautiful." He compliments the girl before taking pictures with the girl.

I sigh as a few more fans surrounding him until they accidentally pushed me away and stepping on my shoes. I walk away from the scene, sitting far from the crowded place.

".. When can I be that famous? No one even know me. It's no use for me to wear this mask." I take off the face mask that covers my face this whole time of this outing.

I try to throw it away but someone takes the mask from being put in the dustbin. "I'm trying to throw my rubbish. Why you're taking it back... Bae Jinyoung.." I stutter.

"Why you're throwing this away? This is important for you. What happens if you get caught in public?" He asks me seriously.

"Have you ever once heard someone calls my name here except you? Never, right? They don't even know who I am. It's no use to wear that." I sit on the bench, cupping my face with my palms.

"Seorin.. You're not unpopular. It's just your fans don't want to disturb you. See~ there's a few guys that keep following you from afar because they don't want you to feel insecure." Jinyoung tells me while pointing to a group of boys that are busy looking at me.

"Really..? What if.. What if they're not?" I ask him while sobbing.

He wipes my tears, patting my back. "Don't cry. You're beautiful enough to be known. They know you, I can feel it. Want me to call them to get accurate answer?" He asks, searching for the boys.

Jinyoung walks to the boys direction, discussing something with them. After a few seconds, he comes back with the boys behind him. "Seorin.. Let me gives you your fans." He smiles.

"It's really Seo Seorin?! This must be a dream right??!!" A boy who wears braces, shrieking when he saw me. ".. Seorin shi, can I get your autograph on my phone case? I really love G1RLS songs! Especially the new one that released." He fanboys in front of me, giving his phone to be signed.

"Yah! Your turn have finished! Let me take selca with her!" Another boy shouts at the 'braces' boy. I take a glance at Jinyoung who is winking at me while giving a thumb up.

He's right.. He helps me.. I will forgive you, Bae Jinyoung.


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