Chapter 7

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Warning: Mean girls spoilers :)


Dinner was awkward to say the least I made conversation with my friends and Holland would butt in from time to time, which annoyed me a lot, Owen and Calvin stuck together and Jasmine was constantly looking over at him, saying some stuff I couldn't read. We were like a huge family all sitting at the dinner table. Around seven, the boys headed back down stairs. As I shoved about my 79th chicken ball in my mouth Holland passed my saying, "jeez Mels" which made me laugh. After they were out of sight I saw a little sparkle in Jasmine's eye go out. I would expect something like this from Denise or Kathrine but definitely not Jazz. I didn't want to think, too much of it... only a crush I told myself, but I knew things were different  now, and something very big about me is that I hate change. Elle caught me pondering and I knew she knew something was wrong. Elle suggested do our Friday movie now and gossip later so that's what we did. As we all filed into the small living space by my room the big open windows let the very last bit of light onto the grayish blue walls. I grabbed the remote and went on to Netflix and tossed it to Riley. I went to go get a fan and snacks and Elle came too. When we got downstairs to the kitchen where we had put the bag with the junk food, Elle immediately asked me what was wrong. I knew I couldn't lie, she would sniff me out. I said "nothing" anyway and opened the original chips with ruffles in them because that is the best kind. To my surprise she didn't press which was very unusual. She grabbed the candy bag and a few Oreo balls from the fridge and headed upstairs. I went into the living room which connected to the kitchen and unplugged a fan that was set up in there. In one hand I held the fan and in the other I held a bowl of chips and a box of Oreo's stacked on top. When I reached the top of the stairs I could see they picked Mean Girls and I was totally okay with that. I grabbed the remote and turned on subtitles and plugged in the fan to keep us all cool. We watched the movie and about the bit where Cady throws up on Aaron, my brother came upstairs. It startled me when Riley tapped me on the shoulder and pointed to him. He was standing on the stairs and signed "I am leaving now", but Holland came up beside him and saw Mean Girls and automatically went and sat beside me "dude I love this movie, we don't have to leave now" he looked like a little kid sitting cross legged, I smiled. "Come on you little f-" Owen appeared. Holland got up and they all started going downstairs, when I could only see his head through the banister he winked and I winked back. And as fast as Regina George got hit by a bus they were gone. I reached for the box of Oreo's but my hand was swatted, so I grabbed a chip instead. When the movie finished, I was smiling, although I didn't know if it was because of the movie.

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