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I'm out with 3 of my closest friends and my sister. It's my favorite group to be with and I'm having a blast. So much I almost had forgotten about the rest of the world, that was until I got a text from my asshole of a boyfriend dumping me. Saying it is because his mom but I know well enough now that he just uses her bitchiness as an excuse. I see the text and need to go. I know I'm gonna cry. I excuse myself and say that I need to get some air. I head outside, and I'm sure my friends find my behavior strange but I don't even care right now, I just can't cry in front of them.
I barely am out the door when I break down. I find a bench where people usually sit to smoke that's not occupied at the moment. I sit and I cry.
Meanwhile inside my group is debating how to handle my behavior. Eventually my sister Elena speaks up. She says that someone should at least go check on me, and before she can go my friend Ben, the oldest if our group who has 5 years my senior, gets up and says he will take care of things.
He gets outside and finds me crying. He sits next to me and wraps his arm around my shoulders. Once I'm calm enough he asks what is going on so I show him the phone.
"Asshole" is all he says.
I respond "worst part is that I know he had been telling people that he thought I was psychotic, he even told Chole and expected her not say anything"...
"Gosh Lydia," he answers, "you deserve better than that jerk..."
"No I don't Ben, and it's not like it matters, I have awful taste in guys."
"Hey, what does that say about me then" he jests.
"Who ever said I liked you," I attempt to cover my crush, "even if I did it's not like you like me back so it wouldn't matter"
It is silent for a moment but then he starts to chuckle. I stare completely awestruck and hurt. How could he do that right now? Seriously? I'm dealing with being dumped over text and he is laughing over him not liking me. I start to get up to Pace and freak out like I do when I get anxious but he grabs me.
"Do you think I would go so out of my way to see you if I didn't like you Lydia?"
I stare blankly and confused. This couldn't be real. He always acts like I'm just some kid (I'm 20 so technically not a kid, just can't legally drink).
He let's out some sort of noise of frustration then kisses me.
"You get it now?"
He just smiles and pulls me into a hug.
"That ass didn't know what he had" he mumbles.

He holds my hand and leads me back inside the restaurant to our booth. He holds my hand for the rest of the time we're there.

As we are about to leave and getting in our separate cars he pulls me in for a hug goodbye. He wispers that in case I was wondering, that ya I'm his girlfriend now and he is never gonna pull that shit. He kisses me again and we walk our separate ways.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2018 ⏰

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